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smoothhound การใช้

"smoothhound" แปล  
  • These sharks are the requiems and smoothhounds.
  • The oldest site, Yderhede, featured remains of flatfish and sharks : porbeagle, topeshark, smoothhound and at Lystrup Enge spurdog.
  • The species will include all the beach species, but now also include big conger eels and small sharks like tope and smoothhound.
  • Compared to the related grey and brown smoothhounds that share its range, the leopard shark has smaller and more numerous red blood cells, allowing it to process oxygen more efficiently.
  • -- Leopard and smoothhound shark, predatory fish that feed on other fish plus shrimp and crabs, carry the highest levels of mercury, a neurotoxin that poses a particular risk to children.
  • Mandelman et al . reported that the repellent effect disappeared after starvation using captive Atlantic spiny dogfish, and that a species-specific variation in response to the mischmetals exist between captive Atlantic spiny dogfish and dusky smoothhounds ( " Mustelis canis " ).
  • In 1994, the law underwrote fish monitoring in the Bay, which found the banned chemical PCB, or polychlorinated biphenyls, at high levels in white croaker, three species of surfperch, brown smoothhound, leopard shark, striped bass, white sturgeon and halibut.
  • From birth, leopard sharks form large schools generally segregated by age and sex, which may intermingle with grey or brown smoothhounds ( " Mustelus californicus " and " M . henlei " ) or spiny dogfish ( " Squalus acanthias " ).
  • A few of the most commonly fished species are : Gray Smoothhound Shark, Leopard Shark, Round Stingray, Shovelnose Guitarfish, Pacific Staghorn Sculpin, Silvery Mullet, Top-smelt, California Halibut, Spotted Sand Bass, Yellowfin Croaker, Bat Ray, Thornback Ray, Diamond Turbot, Shiner Surfperch, Corbina, Opaleye, Pile Surfperch, and Red Shiner.