solstitial การใช้
- The first was an equinoctial, the second a solstitial armilla.
- Eratosthenes most probably used a solstitial armilla for measuring the obliquity of the ecliptic.
- The bisectrice of the observatory's solstitial arc lies in line with the Acropolis.
- Aparicio and Esteban suggest that the solstitial orientations of the pyramids were potentially motivated by the Freemasons symbolism.
- The Macedonian month of Peritius corresponds to our February, indicating this annual awakening was in no way a solstitial celebration.
- It has been argued that the number of solstitial markers at these sites provides statistical evidence that they were intended to mark the solstices.
- The solstitial colure " H ", passing through the poles of the heaven, and through the solstitial points Cancer and Capricorn, in the ecliptic.
- The solstitial colure " H ", passing through the poles of the heaven, and through the solstitial points Cancer and Capricorn, in the ecliptic.
- The Hopi language and the Tewa dialect spoken by the Arizona Tewa have proper names for the solstitial directions, which are approximately intercardinal, rather than for the cardinal directions.
- At equinox, three mana had to be emptied in order to correspond to one watch, and four mana were emptied for each watch of the winter solstitial night ."
- The former figure is adopted only because it agrees with the ( results obtained by the ) method of measuring solstitial sun shadows as embodied in the Xia ( dynasty ) calendar.
- The astronomer, Norman Lockyer, applied this method to Stonehenge by measuring the orientation of the Stonehenge avenue and comparing it to the position of solstitial sunrise, which changes slowly due to the changing obliquity of the ecliptic.
- The park has through the years been host to many of the largest events in Aarhus including the annual solstitial celebration celebrations, Sculpture by the Sea, circuses, the Food Festival, fairs, markets, festivals and concerts.
- The wheel that was rolled downhill he gave its explicitly solstitial explanation : " The wheel is rolled to signify that the sun then rises to the highest point of its circle and at once turns back; thence it comes that the wheel is rolled ."
- :" According to certain opinions ancient astrologers believe that from a certain epoch the solstitial signs have a motion of 8?in the order of the signs, after which they go back the same amount . . . . " ( Dreyer 1958, p . 204)
- The discovery of precession is attributed to Hipparchus around 130 BC . Ptolemy quotes from Hipparchus now lost work entitled On the Displacement of the Solstitial and Equinoctial Points in the seventh book of his 2nd century astronomical text, " Almagest ", where he describes the phenomenon of precession and estimates its value.