sporogony การใช้
- The coccidian lifecycle involves merogony, gametogony, and sporogony.
- Merogony, sporogony and gametogony occur in the same host.
- This process of sporogony produces mobile vermiform infectious sporozoites.
- Within the sporocyst sporogony generates 20 to 30 sporozoites.
- Sporogony is a type of sexual and asexual reproduction.
- Characteristics of phylum Microspora include a relictual sporogony.
- The oocyst undergoes sporogony creating two sporocysts.
- Fertilization and sporogony in the invertebrate host.
- Merogony, gamogony and sporogony are thought to occur in all species in this taxon.
- Upon reaching the kidney, within the epithelium of the kidney it undergoes gametogony and sporogony.
- In apicomplexans, multiple fission, or schizogony, is manifested either as merogony, sporogony or gametogony.
- The final stage within the fish is the creation of the myxospore, which is formed by sporogony.
- The majority of species have developmental stages undergo merogony, gamogony and sporogony within the digestive gland of gastropod host.
- The eugregarines multiply by sporogony and gametogony, while the neogregarines have an additional schizogenic stage merogony within their hosts.
- The life cycle involves vegetative development in digestive tract of a decapod crustacean and sporogony in the connective tissue of a lamellibranch mollusc.
- Growth proceeds and sexual differentiation takes place but mature gametes are not found until November, when the first stages of sporogony are first found.
- Merogony results in merozoites, which are multiple daughter cells, that originate within the same cell membrane, sporogony results in sporozoites, and gametogony results in microgametes.
- This is the largest order in the class Conoidasida and contains those species that all undergo merogony ( asexual ), gametogony ( sexual ) and sporogony ( spore formation ) during their lifecycles.
- In outline gametogony and sporogony occur in the intestine of the definitive host while both schizogony which occurs in various tissues and the formation of sarcocysts ( containing bradyzoites and metrocytes ) occurs principally in the muscles of the intermediate host.
- The genus " Hepatozoon " was created by Miller in 1908 for a parasite of the white rat ( " Rattus norvegicus " ) that underwent merogony in the liver and sporogony in the mite " Laelap echidinus ".