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sporozoan การใช้

"sporozoan" แปล  
  • Multiple fission at the cellular level occurs in many protists, e . g . sporozoans and algae.
  • Sporozoans of the genus " Ascogregarina " ( Lecudinidae ) infect the larval stage of mosquitoes.
  • The genus was created by Labbe in 1894 for those species of sporozoans that fragmented the host nucleus.
  • They host numerous endoparasites, such as nematodes, cestodes, trematodes, the sporozoan " Isopora ", and acanthocephalans.
  • Other hypotheses include competition in the larval breeding waters, differences in metabolism and reproductive biology, or a major susceptibility to sporozoans ( Apicomplexa ).
  • In many other protists ( e . g ., ciliates, sporozoans ) and fungi, the centrosomes are intranuclear, and their nuclear envelope also does not disassemble during cell division.
  • They complete the budding process in the formation of large numbers of merozoites and are found in some species of sporozoans & mdash; including those of the " Leucocytozoon " genus & mdash; undergoing exoerythrocytic asexual division.
  • In October 1941, H . Levinson joined the Malaria Research Station of the Hebrew University ( Director : Prof . Dr . Gideon Mer ) in Rosh Pina ( Upper Galilee, Palestine ) and performed examinations of the mosquito species " Anopheles saccharovi, " " Anopheles sergentii " and " Anopheles superpictus " for availability of the sporozoans Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium malariae, Plasmodium vivax or Plasmodium ovale, inhabiting the blood-sucking females of the above mosquito species.
  • Some parasitic algae ( e . g ., the green algae " Prototheca " and " Helicosporidium ", parasites of metazoans, or " Cephaleuros ", parasites of plants ) were originally classified as fungi, sporozoans, or protistans of " incertae sedis ", while others ( e . g ., the green algae " Phyllosiphon " and " Rhodochytrium ", parasites of plants, or the red algae " Pterocladiophila " and " Gelidiocolax mammillatus ", parasites of other red algae, or the dinoflagellates " Oodinium ", parasites of fish ) had their relationship with algae conjectured early.