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stemwinder การใช้

  • White House aides warn that the speech will be a stemwinder.
  • Albores warned in a stemwinder speech in a pro-government village.
  • "Stemwinder, " for instance.
  • To that end, Vice President Al Gore gave a stemwinder of an introduction.
  • Stemwinder speeches and working the crowd aren't part of the candidates'tactics here.
  • He first played the Good Son to his father, the legendary Tennessee senator and populist stemwinder.
  • In 1888, two others, Gwatkin and Shehan, were Crown-granted the Stemwinder Claim.
  • At the party's convention, he showed the country that he can give a stemwinder of a speech.
  • I have located somebody who predicts that, instead of the customary stinker, this year's Super Bowl will be a stemwinder.
  • Carville arrived from Washington in the midst of this confusion to deliver a stemwinder to fire up the rank-and-file party members.
  • The delegates gave her a rock star's welcome _ and she responded with a stemwinder performance that left them stamping their feet and cheering.
  • The starkest choices were averted when the Simpson liability verdicts came in just as Clinton, unloading a characteristic stemwinder, was concluding his speech in Washington.
  • In almost every instance, when the computer predicted a rout, there was a rout, and when it predicted a stemwinder, there was a stemwinder.
  • In almost every instance, when the computer predicted a rout, there was a rout, and when it predicted a stemwinder, there was a stemwinder.
  • In his you-never-had-it-so-good stemwinder the other night, Bill Clinton twice deftly stepped on applause lines for Joe Lieberman.
  • But eschewing a political stemwinder in favor of a meaty policy pronouncement is entirely in keeping with Moynihan's style, which seems to be annoying some of his fellow Democrats.
  • In a stirring stemwinder, he told the House that America had conquered its foreign adversaries but now had to look home, where old people and children are unsafe on the streets.
  • So much for commencement speakers who send brand-new graduates out into the world with a stentorian stemwinder that sounds as dated as the " Pomp and Circumstance " march.
  • It's supposed to be a real stemwinder, too, as the crew finds a doctor to remove the chip from Crichton's brain that has allowed Scorpius to control him.
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