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studier การใช้

  • That is where Applewhite, a devout film studier, excels.
  • Paul Studier 00 : 12, 2004 Jun 19 ( UTC)
  • Paul Studier 00 : 27, 2004 Jun 19 ( UTC)
  • Large baskets have bases made with a studier palm leaf called chilib.
  • "I'm more of a studier.
  • Important publications other than his theses include " Studier i Sverres saga " ( 1952 ).
  • Http : / / www . uio . no / studier / program / ibsen-master / presentasjon/
  • The requirement is merely that the two classification characteristics gender, and studier ( or not )  are not associated.
  • A compulsive studier of maps, I almost always know, within a few meters, my precise location on the planet.
  • Wiener was an early studier of stochastic and noise processes, contributing work relevant to electronic engineering, electronic communication, and control systems.
  • When this happens, other studiers who have studied the same thing and declared it a menace accuse the latest studier of inept study skills.
  • In 1953 he published his thesis, " Studier i jernalderens g錼dssamfunn ", which earned him the dr . philos . degree in 1954.
  • Important, too, are the numerous articles in English published in the yearbook " Grundtvig-Studier " ( Grundtvig Studies ) from 1948 and onwards.
  • :: IN a very broad sense, a Semiotician is a studier of symbols, but in a much broader sense than Dan Brown considers for his character.
  • The Homestead's curator, Mr . C . E . Studier, and his wife were at the time residing on the upper level of Melville House.
  • From 1948 to 1952, Geiger published the series " Nordiske Studier i Sociologie " ( Nordic Studies on Sociology ) with Torgny Torgnysson Segerstedt, Veli Verkko and Johan Vogt.
  • Image scanned by hhbruun from : Olsen, C . ( 1921 ) Studier over Jordbundens Brintionkoncentration og dens Betydning for Vegetationen s鎟lig for Plantefordelingen i Naturen .-H . Hagerups Boghandel.
  • Suzanne Studier-Feldman, who lives in the Flatiron district, served glogg, a warm, powerful Swedish punch made with red wine, vodka and spices, at a holiday party last weekend.
  • In Ministry of the Environment, Fr錸 vaggan till graven-sex studier av varors milj鰌鍁erkan [ From the Cradle to the Grave-six studies of the environmental impact of products ] ( 7-44 ).
  • To document their findings, in 1873 Gustaf von D黚en published " Om Lappland och Lapparne, f鰎etr鋎esvis de Svenske : Ethnografiska Studier af Gustaf von D黚en " which was illustrated with his wife's photographs.
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