subclause การใช้
- Both juxtapose two actions, the action in the subclause and the action in the main clause.
- This must be explicitly announced at the beginning of the class through a redefine subclause of the inheritance clause, as in
- See subclause 8.4 . 2.2 " Fractional sample interpolation process " of the H . 264 standard.
- If the sentence is split into a main and subclause and the verbs highlighted, the logic behind the word order can be seen.
- "This is one of those things like a House appropriation to close the Washington Monument and nobody notices because it's in a subclause buried on the 300th page of some proposal.
- :: : : The Galanter reference was previously at the end of a subclause explaining what the 1972 Hans Jayanti was ( i . e . a celebration commemorating Rawat's father's birthday ).
- Subclause ( 4 ) of Regulation 57 made it an offence if a person " refuses or fails to answer any inquiries put to him in accordance with this regulation, or who gives any false or misleading information in relation thereto ".
- "The [ C ] syntax [ i . e ., grammar ] specifies the precedence of operators in the evaluation of an expression, which is the same as the order of the major subclauses of this subclause, highest precedence first ."
- Both sometimes called gerunds, the verb form that ends in "'se "'and the one that ends in "-ko " juxtapose two actions, the action in the subclause and the action in the main clause.
- On 21 May 2009, it became clear that the ultimatum had been met, with 15 trains having been delivered, although a subclause condition stating that at least one trainset should have been tested and approved for coupling to other units had not yet been met.
- Regulation 57, subclause ( 3 ) allowed for agents of the Poultry Board to require people with eggs and poultry in their possession and intended for sale to, " answer any inquiries relative to the source of production of the eggs or poultry, or their ownership or their intended destination ".
- Any objections to restoring the subclause mentioning the fire, citing both Cagan and LA Times ? ( Without Cagan it is strictly speaking SYN, but I'll settle for the LA Times alone if need be . ) "'466 "'21 : 56, 30 September 2009 ( UTC)
- "( IV ) contain an encrypted, machine-readable electronic record which shall include records of biometric identifiers unique to the individual to whom the card is issued, including a copy of any digitized facial image printed on the face of the card pursuant to subclause ( III ) . " | H . R . 5405 }}
- Appellant contended on the basis of Acadian Pulp & Paper Ltd . v . Minister of Municipal Affairs ( 1973 ), 6 N . B . R . ( 2d ) 755, that the tanks in question were excluded from the definition of real property as being machinery, equipment, apparatus and installations other than those for providing services to buildings or mentioned in subclause ( ii ) .
- A continuous SQL SELECT operates on data across one or more data streams, with optional keywords and clauses that include FROM with an optional JOIN subclause to specify the rules for joining multiple data streams, the WHERE clause and comparison predicate to restrict the records returned by the query, GROUP BY to project streams with common values into a smaller set, HAVING to filter records resulting from a GROUP BY, and ORDER BY to sort the results.