subcordate การใช้
- The mantle cavity contains subcordate luminous organs.
- Leaves are irregularly oblong; subcordate, rounded or oblique; apex acuminate; with irregularly serrated margin.
- Leaves are alternate and simple, with coarsely toothed ( crenate / serrate ) edges, and subcordate at the base.
- Leaves are oblong to ovate-elliptic, with entire margins, an acute apex, and subcordate base; petiole is from 2 8 cm in length.
- Leaves are simple, alternate; swollen at base and tipped; lamina elliptic, obovate, oblong, elliptic-ovate or oblong-ovate; base subcordate or round; apex acuminate; with entire margin.
- C . CANADENSIS : Indigenous plants, growing in rich and moist woods and fields . " Stem " four-sided, three to four feet high, often very smooth, but sometimes slightly pubescent . " Leaves " few, thin, three to four inches . long, two to three inches broad, acuminate, coarsely serrate, abrupt or subcordate at base . " Flowers " in large, loose, compound racemes; corolla half an inch or more in length, yellow tinged with green, the lower lip elongated and fringed, exhaling a lemon odor.
- :Branches angled, dull, glabrous, pale; branchlcts similar, sparsely glandular; leaves opposite, petiolate, the petiole up to 1 cm long, glandular, hispidulous, stipulate, the stipules persistent, borne on the petiole about 1.5 to 2 mm above its base, linear, up to 5 mm long, glandular and hispidulous; blades broadly ovate to suborbicular, the larger 6 cm long by 4.5 cm wide, cordate or subcordate at base, abruptly short-acuminate at apex, conspicuously dentate ( the teeth broad, extending to the middle of the blade or below ), ciliate, above sparsely but uniformly strigose ( the hairs all simple ), glabrate with age, beneath glandular, hispidulous on the veins and veinlets, densely bearded in the vein axils; lateral veins 2 to 5, straight, reaching the margin; peduncle up to 3.5 cm long, conspicuously glandular, bearing a few stellate hairs, these with numerous spreading branches; bracts at base of inlorescence conspicuous, up to 1.5 cm long, 2 mm broad at middle, narrowed at base, glandular and sparsely pubescent, the hairs both simple and stellate; cyme up to 5.7 cm wide and 3 cm long, twice compound, the primary rays 6 to 8, very densely glandular; bractlets of cyme linear, glandular, sparingly ciliate; calyx tube 2 to 2.5 mm long, cylindric, densely glandular; calyx lobes about 1 mm long, acute, ciliate with long simple hairs, glabrous on the back, eglandular; corolla 3.5 to 4 mm long, glabrous; stamens slightly exserted, the ilaments about 4 mm long; style glabrous; fruit much lattened, about I cm long, 8 mm wide, and 3 mm thick, leshy, the endocarp 3-sulcate on one face ( the central groove very slight, the lateral pronounced ) and lightly 2-sulcate on the other, with no ventral intrusion.