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symphyseal การใช้

  • Up to four teeth of a lower jaw's tooth row are found in the symphyseal region.
  • The lower jaw is robust and curved upward, with a well-developed symphyseal region where the two halves of the jaw meet.
  • During pregnancy and postpartum, the symphyseal gap can be felt moving or straining when walking, climbing stairs or turning over in bed; these activities can be difficult or even impossible.
  • The dorsoventrally weak symphyseal region ( in comparison to premolars P3 and P4 ) of " C . dirus " indicates that it delivered shallow bites similar to its modern relatives and therefore was a packhunter.
  • But when Trinkaus measured the angle between the horizontal tooth line and the vertical line from the frontmost tooth down to the chin, the symphyseal angle, he got a clue that this was a strange Cro-Magnon.
  • "T . alexandrae " differs from other thalattosaurs by having 15-16 teeth on the mandible, a recurved symphyseal region of dentary, with massive, conical teeth, posterior dentary teeth bulbous, and a high & pointed coronoid process.
  • However, a reexamination of NHMUK PV OR 39362 ( proposed neotype of " P . macromerus " ) by Benson " et al . " ( 2013 ), revealed that it had at least seven symphyseal tooth, but more likely nine.
  • The referral to " P . macromerus " was based on this trait, a suggested similar symphyseal tooth count ( six ) between OUMNH J . 10454 and the proposed neotype of " P . macromerus ", and their occurrence at approximately the same stratigraphic level.
  • Based on CAMSM J . 35991, Knutsen ( 2012 ) provisionally diagnosed " P . brachyspondylus " as a " Pliosaurus " with approximately 60 ( 58 according to Benson " et al . " ( 2013 ) ) teeth in the lower jaw, 9 pairs of symphyseal teeth in dorsal view.
  • "Shenzhousaurus " was first described by Qiang Ji, Mark Norell, Peter J . Makovicky, Keqin Gao, Shu-An Ji and Chongxi Yuan in ilium " ( Makovicky et al ., 2004 ), and from all other ornithomimosaurs excepting " Harpymimus " by the relative length of metacarpal I ( only half that of metacarpal II ) and in that its reduced dentition is restricted to the symphyseal portion of the dentary.
  • According to Knutsen ( 2012 ), Bardet " et al . " ( 1993 ) referred two additional mandibles to " P . brachyspondylus " based solely on a similar number of dentary and symphyseal teeth; MNHN cat . 24.1 collected at Le Havre, Normandy, both from the early Kimmeridgian of France . but was reassigned to its own species " P . westburyensis " by Benson " et al . " ( 2013 ).
  • Knutsen ( 2012 ) revised the validity of this species and was able to diagnose it on a basis of combination of traits . " P . brachydeirus " had approximately 70 teeth in the lower jaw ( 72 according to Benson " et al . " ( 2013 ) ), 8-9 or more pairs of symphyseal teeth in dorsal view ( 12 pairs according to Benson " et al . " ( 2013 ) ) and 5 or more premaxillary teeth.