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syndical การใช้

  • Ki Zerbo got his members in the syndical teachers class and villagers.
  • The IWA increased its workplace presence and syndical activity.
  • He has participated and organized different biennial exhibitions in Milan and numerous syndical shows.
  • In 1958, he begins to work as professor in the Syndical School of the University of Chile.
  • Bianchi moved to Milan, becoming a major figure of the Milanese Syndical Union and the Unione Sindacale Italiana ( USI ).
  • The syndical and MLN played a big role in popular movement organization on 3 January 1966 that brought down the President Maurice Yameogo.
  • In 1926, the Syndical laws ( also known as the Rocco laws ) were passed, organizing the economy into 12 separate employer and employee unions.
  • By appointing key labor and youth leaders to the MPR Political Bureau, the regime hoped to harness syndical and student forces to the machinery of the state.
  • From 1926, following the Pact of the Vidoni Palace and the Syndical Laws, business and labour were organized into 12 separate associations, outlawing or integrating all others.
  • "' Jorge S醤chez Garc韆 "'( born April 8, 1953 ) is a Mexican syndical leader Luz y Fuerza del Centro and politician from Mexico City.
  • Labour had previously been united under Edmondo Rossoni, giving him a substantial amount of power even after the syndical laws, causing both the industrialists and Mussolini himself to resent him.
  • The linguistic work of Manzoni and the syndical / political work of Filippo Turati, born in Canzo in 1857, contributed to the moral unification of Italy that followed the 1861 political change.
  • It shall also combine the elite representing the civil society and economic, syndical, youth, intellectual, academic and artistic institutions, as well as the political and the public administration experts.
  • Regular syndical activity goes on in countries such as Spain, Poland and Italy, and recent campaigns and work conflicts have taken place in places such as UK, Australia, Brazil and France.
  • The Syndical Laws of 1926 ( sometimes called the Rocco Laws, after Alfredo Rocco ) took this agreement a step further; in each industrial sector there could be only one trade union and employers organisation.
  • He was released from prison in 1903 and then became involved in the " Jeune Syndicat ", edited the newspaper " " Le R関eil syndical " " and " L'Action syndicale ".
  • Coinciding with the liturgical feast is the annual commemoration by the Christian labour movement ( especially syndical, in Belgium ) of the encyclical " Rerum novarum " issued by the Roman Catholic Pope Leo XIII on May 15, 1891.
  • Since the syndical laws kept capital and labour separate, Mussolini and other party members continued to reassure the public that this was merely a stop-gap, and that all associations would be integrated into the corporate state at a later stage.
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