synodically การใช้
- The Iglesia Filipina Independiente is a Church that is governed synodically.
- While the Missouri Synod did not expel the Protes'tants, it synodically ratified the expulsions in 1927.
- These pastors come from eight different countries, and are assisted by 10 congregational or synodically-rostered deacons.
- The government of the Dutch Republic, which had instigated the Arminians'expulsion, subsequently prohibited the Reformed Church from assembling synodically.
- In response to that growth, and in consonance with the Anglican polity of " Synodically Governed and Episcopally led " the Diocese of Accra was created.
- Functionally, Anglican episcopal authority is expressed synodically, although individual provinces may accord their discipline, and worship, but in these regards is limited by Anglicanism's tradition of the limits of authority.
- The Convocations were abolished during the Commonwealth but restored on the accession of Charles II in 1660 and they synodically approved the Book of Common Prayer which was imposed by the Act of Uniformity in 1662.
- They are governed synodically and their relation to the respective canton ( in Switzerland, there are no church-state regulations at a national level ) ranges from independent to close collaboration, depending on historical developments.
- Grant collaborated with Geoffrey Serle in the publication of " The Melbourne Scene " ( 1957 ), is the author of the Centenary history of Trinity College, " Perspective of a Century " ( 1972 ) and a history of Anglicans in Victoria, " Episcopally Led and Synodically Governed : Anglicans in Victoria 1803 1997 " ( 2010 ).
- The bishop should ask the advice of his consultors as to holding and promulgating a diocesan synod; dividing parishes; committing a parish to religious; constituting a committee for diocesan seminaries; choosing new consultors or examiners non-synodically; concerning transactions about church-property where the sum involved exceeds five thousand dollars; exacting new episcopal taxes beyond the limits designated by the canons.