teacherly การใช้
- Teachers of young minds have responsibilities not covered in any teacherly text.
- That he's brought a tear to my teacherly-eye.
- I just slid right off the edge and landed flat on my teacherly backside.
- She's almost teacherly on occasion.
- When parents started arriving to collect children and report cards, Moffett became calm and teacherly again.
- It only suggests there is a teacherly mission here more often found on the small screen than the local cineplex.
- Doing my best not to crack up and to keep a teacherly stone face, I order Tom to put Clark down.
- "Until you have walked a mile in my teacherly moccasins, stay out of my classroom . " ( Elizabeth Schuett)
- And when he explains any part of himself or his movie, he does so in a natural, teacherly way that's friendly and informative.
- Before I can counter with some teacherly logic, visions of a high school without a dress code flash through my consciousness and strike terror into my generationally-gapped heart.
- The driver gives me that, " What are you gonna'do now look, " and I tell her I'm going to use some teacherly psychology.
- Then he could have said something like, " Now I'm going to bring up a difficult subject, " and shake a teacherly finger as he does.
- So there I am-- a vision of teacherly dignity astride a keyboard, muttering disgusting epithets under my breath and wildly ripping paper out of one of our ancient IBM Proprinter IIIs.
- Cochran came close to doing that very thing in his chatty yet teacherly opening statement, during which he told the jury, " This is not a case about domestic abuse ."
- She took quite a liking to Zoey when she was brought in ( at least more than she liked Margie's stupid Russian coat ) though this didn't keep her from doing the " teacherly " thing of tattling about it to the principle.
- You can't help resenting this man, found in the smashing recent revival of " A Day in the Death of Joe Egg " by Peter Nichols, as he stands in front of a giant chalkboard, hurling teacherly abuse into the audience.
- The delight is when, after months of beating one's teacherly head against a slate blackboard, the essays begin to roll in needing far less editing than they did in September _ and when the writers have gained enough confidence to tell it like it is.
- This is linked to a Marxist interpretation which instead of treating the audience as an all-powerful " customer " adopts a teacherly or even priestly stance " above " the mere audience, something only the most " snobbish " of French chefs would dare, proposing to teach it to like Higher Things.
- In Ms . Shaw's charismatic, scarlet-clad Brodie, warmth and teacherly commitment are so strong that you're ready to overlook the narcissism, the perverse romanticism, the dangerous misuse of power and all her other faults : which makes Ms . Allen's play, like Ms . Spark's novel, a reproach to those who like good and evil glibly packaged.
- Of Faro Ness he writes : " His huge complex of family businesses, and the meshing of its gears with other gears, which in turn meshed with the distant machinery of an axiomatic foreign war, was operated and lubricated by lawyers, so he remained obviously free to lead the life of an intellectual, hands in pockets, his benign teacherly stoop, fern-like, defining the base-curve of a greater arc of protectiveness.