thorite การใช้
- Unlike thorite, huttonite is not affected by metamictization.
- Thorite is currently an important ore of uranium.
- Because thorite is highly radioactive, specimens are often " metamict ".
- Other minerals known to undergo metamictization include allanite, gadolinite, ekanite, thorite and titanite.
- Associated minerals include monazite, bastnasite, xenotime, thorite, zircon, apatite, rutile and hematite.
- Thorium occurs in several minerals including thorite ( ThSiO 4 ), thorianite ( ThO 2 + UO 2 ) and monazite.
- Thorium ( IV ) chloride does not appear naturally but instead is derived from Thorite, Thorianite, or Monazite which are naturally occurring formations.
- Other varieties of thorite include " orangite ", an orange variety, and " calciothorite ", an impure variety with trace amounts of calcium.
- Thorite crystallizes in a higher symmetry and lower density tetragonal form in which the thorium atoms coordinate to one less oxygen atom in an octahedral arrangement.
- If demand for Th ever increased, we would probably be relying on thorite instead . ) talk ) 06 : 50, 2 August 2016 ( UTC)
- A variety of thorite, often called " uranothorite ", is particularly rich in uranium and has been a viable uranium ore at Bancroft in Ontario, Canada.
- These experiments lead to the release of two mysterious figures : the Net Prophet, called " the prophet of Thor " by the Thorites, and a powerful megalomaniac called Thanatos.
- Thorite is stable at lower temperatures than huttonite; at 1 atmosphere, the thorite huttonite phase transition occurs between 1210 and 1225 癈 . With increasing pressure the transition temperature increases.
- The samples of distilled lead which Hitchins prepared from Ceylon thorite were used by Frederick Soddy and supplied by him to Otto H鰊igschmid, who did important work confirming that the atomic weight of thorium lead is higher than that of common lead.
- The material for the air foil was obtained from a Thorite's hang-glider and is made from a material called " Lyte Byte " which is specially made to capture and direct air currents and gives off a low-level of anti-gravity particles.
- Minerals encountered in xenoliths include : andradite, anhydrite, anorthite, apatite, biotite, calcite, diopside, fassaite, garnet, gypsum, ilmenite, magnetite, monazite, orthopyroxene, perovskite, plagioclase, prehnite, quartz, sphene, thorite, wilkeite, wollastonite and zircon.
- Soddy indicated that Hitchins also worked on the actual analyses, in his published report of 1917 : " According to analyses by Miss A . F . R . Hitchins and myself, the 20 kilos of selected thorite worked upon contained 0-4 per cent, of lead, 57 per cent, of thorium, 1-03 per cent, of uranium, and 0-5 c . c . of helium per gram . " This work proved that atomic weight was not a constant.