trinal การใช้
- Multiply the Sodya Pinda of Saturn by the bindus in the 8th house from Saturn in his own Ashtakavarga, divide the product by 27; when Saturn transits the nakshatra represented by the remainder or trinal nakshatra, then death may take place.
- :Now I beseech the ancient fathers with Peter their leader on behalf of wretched and anxious me : pour out your prayers and aid so that the trinal custodian of each new saint may afterwards forgive me until I may overcome the hideous enemy of this world.
- The fourth set comprises the 4th house ( which is a quadrant or a kendra ), the 8th house ( which is a succeedent house ) and the 12th house ( which is a cadent house ), which three are the trinal houses for final emancipation and form the " Moksha-trikona ".
- The first set comprises the 1st house or the lagna, the 5th house ( which is also a succeedent house or a panapara ) and the 9th house ( which is also a cadent house or an apoklima ), which three are the trinal houses of righteousness and form the " Dharma-trikona ".
- The third set comprises the 3rd house ( which is a cadent house and an upachayasthana ), the 7th house ( which is a quadrant or a kendra ) and the 11th house ( which is a succeedent house and an upachayasthana ), which are the trinal houses for sensual enjoyments and form the " Kama-trikona ".
- The second set comprises the 2nd house ( which is a succeedent house ), the 6th house ( which is a cadent house and an upachayasthana ) and the 10th house ( which is a quadrant i . e . a kendra, and an upachayasthana ), which three are the trinal houses for material possessions and form the " Artha-trikona ".
- The parivritti drekkana goes in order of the signs; the first decan is Aries, the second is Taurus, the third is Gemini, the fourth is Cancer, etc . Then there is the trinal calculation which utilizes the elemental trines to each sign; In Aries there is Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius, while in Taurus there is Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn.
- The Sun in the 4th, a retrograde Venus in the 5th with Jupiter situated in the " lagna ", or Saturn in the 9th, Mars exalted, and Mercury, Venus and Jupiter combining in the 5th house give rise to powerful " Raja yogas " which " yogas " illustrate the importance and effectiveness of the trinal aspects of planets more particularly that of Jupiter.