tumid การใช้
- Larva purplish black in color, and short, tumid in shape.
- It is thin, with a tumid lirated base.
- (Original description ) The umbilicate shell is tumid, ovate and constricted at the ends.
- The 3.5 4 mm shell is tumid ( swollen ), oblique-oval shell.
- The larvae is fat, slightly tumid at the posterior end and with a berry-shaped swelling over the anterior part of the abdomen and thoracic segments.
- The shell has up to 12 Whorls, 3 or 4 belonging to the protoconch, but these, which are a little tumid, are often broken off.
- This species is readily recognized by the form, the whorls being a little tumid just below the sutures, and the base of the aperture is usually a little emarginate.
- The body whorl is large, being broad and tumid, but not long, with a tumidly conical lop-sided base, ending in a short, broad, flat snout which is abruptly and straight cut off.
- The poet depicts figures " Gathered on this beach of the tumid river " drawing considerable influence from Dante's third and fourth false gods, recalling children and reflecting Eliot's interpretation of Western culture after World War I.
- "Vertigo lilljeborgi ", compared with " Vertigo moulinsiana ", is much smaller, more glossy, its whorls are more tumid, and its thinner lip lacks the broad, almost colorless margin of the latter.
- The beaded subsutural collar, subjacent depression and swollen and finely ribbed lower parts of the two whorls immediately below the protoconch are lost completely on the larger whorls, though the subsutural collar can be feebly traced as a slightly tumid line gradually descending further below the suture with the growth of the shell.
- Works on view range from the sculptor Lee Boroson's big, audacious, red-nylon inflatable tubes overtaking a hapless chair ( " Tumid, " 1995 ) to Jim Torok's meticulous miniature oil portraits of fellow artists . ( They're slightly larger than cigarette packets .)
- Prolixity is also used simply to obfuscate, confuse, or euphemize and is not necessarily redundant or pleonastic in such constructions, though it often is . " Post-traumatic stress disorder " ( shellshock ) and " pre-owned vehicle " ( used car ) are both tumid euphemisms but are not redundant.
- The " History " is much more than the vindication of a party; it is an attempt to insinuate a view of politics, pragmatic, reverent, essentially Burkean, informed by a high, even tumid sense of the worth of public life, yet fully conscious of its interrelations with the wider progress of society; it embodies what Hallam had merely asserted, a sense of the privileged possession by Englishmen of their history, as well as of the epic dignity of government by discussion.
- Bree contributed two papers " On the Use of Digitalis in Consumption " to the " Medical and Physical Journal ", 1799 . He was also the author of a paper " On Painful Affections of the Side from Tumid Spleen ", read 1 January 1811 before the Medical and Chirurgical Society, of which Bree became a member of council and a vice-president in March following; and of a second paper on the same subject, read 26 May 1812, " A Case of Splenitis, with further Remarks on that Disease ".
- The " Monody " took him no less than forty-four years to beat into its final form, and if we can credit his statement that some lines of it were written'in his thirteenth year as a school exercise'the forty-four years are stretched to almost fifty . " By 1975, Samuel Chew and Richard Altick declared : " [ Coleridge's ] addiction to'turgid ode and tumid stanza,'clogged with pompous rhetoric and frigid personification, is evident in the " Destruction of the Bastille " ( 1789 ) [ . . . ] and in the " Monody on the Death of Chatterton " which was later ( 1794 ) completely rewritten . ".
- "Opuntia fragilis " is a small, prostrate plant, rarely more than 4 inches high : joints tumid, fragile, easily detached, oval, elliptical, or subglobose, 1-2 in . long and nearly as thick as broad, bright green : areoles ??in . apart, with whitish wool and a few white to yellow bristles, which are much longer and more abundant on older joints; spines 1-4, occasionally a few small additional ones, weak, dark brown, the upper one usually longer and stronger than the others, rarely an inch in length : flowers greenish yellow, 1-1?inches wide : fruit ovate to subglobose . with few spines or bristles, mostly sterile, an inch or less long; seeds few and large.