unclassical การใช้
- The second group of historians present a classical eclecticism veiling an unclassical partisanship and theological fanaticism.
- DvoY醟, in part influenced by the contemporary expressionist movement in German painting, developed a deep appreciation for the unclassical formal qualities of Mannerism.
- But they're often applied conditionally, with the proviso that most artists of the period worked with a shifting ratio of classical, anticlassical and unclassical devices.
- As a youngster, he beheld his first stage magic performance, launching a lifelong fascination, that would find a place in many of unclassical books of his.
- At certain times and in certain places bold stabs were made in the direction of new, unclassical forms, only to be followed by reactions, retrospective movements and revivals.
- His popular galactic fairy tale " Star Wars " is the classic saga of a charming princess and brave knights, but also of very unclassical warp drives, Wookies, bots and droids.
- The bird has seized him by his unclassical raiments, the weight of his fat body has drawn his clothes up to his shoulders, and left his lower extremities in a state of nudity, and is thus bearing him through the murky air to Olympus.
- "A Suite of Dances " was a vehicle for the free-wheeling style of Nicolas Le Riche, looking unclassical as possible in a red velours top and loose red pants, leaping freely about the stage to the Bach cello solo of Martine Bailly.
- A more indirect form of influence is the use of certain Latinate words in an unclassical sense, derived from their use in Latin translations of medieval Arabic philosophical works ( e . g . those of Averroes ), which entered the scholastic vocabulary and later came into normal use in modern languages.
- To make this distinction clear, viz ., between the Catholic sense of the word'conscience,'and that sense in which the Pope condemns it, we find in the Recueil des Allocutions, & c ., the words accompanied with quotation-marks, both in Pope Gregory's and Pope Pius's Encyclicals, thus : Gregory's, " Ex hoc putidissimo'indifferentismi'fonte, " ( mind,'indifferentismi'is under quotation-marks, because the Pope will not make himself answerable for so unclassical a word ) " absurda illa fluit ac erronea sententia, seu potius deliramentum, asserendam esse ac vindicandam cuilibet'libertatem conscienti?.'" And that of Pius, " Haud timent erroneam illam fovere opinionem a Gregorio XVI . deliramentum appellatam, nimirum'libertatem conscienti?esse proprium cujuscunque hominis jus . " Both Popes certainly scoff at the so-called'liberty of conscience,'but there is no scoffing of any Pope, in formal documents addressed to the faithful at large, at that most serious doctrine, the right and the duty of following that Divine Authority, the voice of conscience, on which in truth the Church herself is built.