undenominational การใช้
- As Timothy Smith explains : Here were undenominational, " the Herald declared.
- The College was to be " undenominational ".
- And sectarian feeling was rejected : " Peniel Mission is thoroughly evangelical but entirely undenominational, " the Herald declared.
- In March 1929, DeHaan resigned from Calvary Reformed Church and founded the Calvary Undenominational Church in a nearby theater.
- The chapel does not have a chaplain, but a'Chapel Director'which is in keeping with its undenominational tradition.
- The official formation of the school took place on 2 July 1873 when the " Undenominational Boys Public school " was declared.
- Now Caboonbah Undenominational Church is one of the very few remaining churches in Queensland that still welcomes services for congregations of any faith.
- "' Duborg-Skolen "'is a Danish secondary school undenominational school with gymnasial extension located in Flensburg, Germany.
- The immediate consequence was Panton s acceptance of baptism by total immersion, which caused him to leave the Church of England and become an " Undenominational " Christian.
- Those congregations that chose not to be associated with the new denominational organization continued as undenominational Christian churches and churches of Christ, completing a separation that had begun decades before.
- In 1905 the Somersets founded the Caboonbah Undenominational Church, donating the land and standing timber, the latter exchanged for seasoned timber from Lars Andersen's sawmill at Esk.
- Duborg-Skolen was established in 1924 as a Danish " realskole " and in 1958 it was recognized as a " undenominational school " with gymnasial extension.
- In order to attract more students from families suspicious of Universalists and to obtain greater support, several of the trustees, including Ward, set out to make the school completely undenominational.
- He preferred lay associations to be undenominational, and favoured a synodal organization in which the laity would be represented, and which should be periodically convened by the bishops and presided over by them.
- Caboonbah Church was developed as an undenominational or'Union'church when all denominations in small communities used one building for worship according to their own faith until each denomination could afford a building of its own.
- As D . S . Mirsky pointed out, Leskov's Christianity, like that of Tolstoy, was " anti-clerical, undenominational and purely ethical . " But there, the critic argued, the similarities ended . " The dominant ethical note is different.
- Organised in June 1930 as a successor to the " American Conference of Undenominational Churches ", it sees its roots in the rejection of theological modernism and the reaffirmation of the traditional, fundamental doctrines that it believes to underlie Biblical Christianity : Biblical inerrancy, the Virgin Birth of Christ, the substitutionary atonement of Christ, the literal resurrection of Christ, the Second Coming of Christ, the eternal joy of those who are redeemed by the blood of Christ through the regenerating work of the Holy Spirit, and the eternal judgment of those who are unredeemed.