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unmilitary การใช้

  • General Clinton sharply criticized the decision as unmilitary, and as having been made contrary to his instructions.
  • Beside his usual contempt, Kouand閠?became increasingly concerned about the president's " unmilitary " ways.
  • Far from a peaceful kingdom of legend inhabited by an unmilitary people, Canada has been shaped by war.
  • Hearing of Barbantane's unmilitary behavior, Ricardos determined to take advantage of the disarray in the French high command.
  • Although his obese appearance was distinctly unmilitary, he had military talent and a reputation for calm bravery and quick decisive action.
  • Despite his unmilitary appearance, in the episode Battle of the Giants it is revealed that the Vicar served in the Great War.
  • In August 1914, though quite unmilitary, he joined the armed forces, and the following year obtained a commission in the Sherwood Foresters.
  • The view of this as a largely unmilitary culture is fostered by the absence of any iconography of battle or of spears and other obvious instruments of warfare.
  • The scene in which an Imperial Rescript is announced in a subjugated London, excusing the unmilitary British from serving in the Kaiser's armies, is particularly bitter.
  • Meanwhile, in Delhi, there had been some loss of morale due to the failures of Mirza Moghul and Bahadur Shah's equally unmilitary grandson, Mirza Abu Bakr.
  • Considering his unmilitary behavior, is it astonishing that "'BARBANTANE "'is one of the names inscribed under the Arc de Triomphe, on Column 34.
  • Shortly before the 1898 football season got underway, Romeyn was stripped of his captain's stripes due to an " unmilitary order " he gave to cadets under his command.
  • "Any system which would put soldiers out in such an unmilitary manner as to allow them to be taken hostage is a disgrace to civilization, " he declared to much applause.
  • The suggestion is to provide " coordination, " an essentially unmilitary idea in such a relatively limited area, reminiscent of the lack of united command of American, French and Italian forces in Beirut in 1982.
  • He remembered hearing the crowd shout,'Here comes Custer !'The name meant nothing to him, but he turned, and saw a slim, immature lad with unmilitary figure, slightly rounded shoulders, and gangling walk ."
  • They were quickly disabused of these unmilitary notions when Maj . Gen . George B . McClellan, blaming the regiment's own officers for allowing the unrest, appointed a regular army officer with orders to mow the mutineers down if they did not immediately surrender.
  • One news magazine stated that Aspin's major handicap was " neither his famously unmilitary bearing nor his inability to discipline himself or the enormous Pentagon bureaucracy; it is his politician's instinct for the middle ground on defense issues . " Aspin continued to serve as secretary of defense until February 3, 1994, when William J . Perry took office.
  • "When he returned to West Point, Cadet James B . Washington, a relative of George Washington, remembered hearing the crowd shout,'Here comes Custer !'The name meant nothing to Washington, who was just entering the Academy, but he turned and saw a slim, immature lad with unmilitary figure, slightly rounded shoulders, and gangling walk, surrounded by back-slapping, laughing friends ."
  • The " Reichsf黨rer-SS " further never exercised direct operational authority over " Waffen-SS " units until the very end of the war and then only through his capacity as an Army Group commander and not as the head of the SS . Top " Waffen-SS " commanders, such as Sepp Dietrich, Wilhelm Bittrich, and Matthias Kleinheisterkamp, further held a certain derision for Himmler, describing him as " sly and unmilitary ".