unskilful การใช้
- Whatever he may have been taught by unskilful Idlers to believe, labour is necessary in his initiation to idleness.
- In some of its details it has the appearance of a rather unskilful combination of two orders, for the exorcism, renunciation and confession of faith come twice over.
- In a report to Vasey, he said that any success which was theirs was " due to a percentage of personnel who are brave in the extreme "; and " the result of unskilful aggression ".
- Suffren was perhaps the ablest naval commander that France ever produced, but his subordinates were factious and unskilful; Hughes on the other hand, whose ability was that born of long experience rather than genius, was well supported.
- Such was the disastrous battle of Sabine Cross Roads, in which the troops engaged fought with great valor, but which was lost to the Union arms by reason of unskilful generalship on the part of the commanding officer, and by that alone.
- Later, he is dismissed by Falstaff because of his inadequate thieving skills ( " his filching was like an unskilful singer; he kept not time . " ) The host of the local inn gives him a job as a tapster ( bartender ).
- The third plea is, that the plaintiff, in performing the operation, occupied a longer time than was necessary, and performed it in an unsurgeonlike manner, causing greater pain to the patient than was necessary; and the fourth plea is, that the operation occupied a longer time than was necessary, and was performed in an unskilful manner.
- The words " donkey " and " ass " ( or translations thereof ) have come to have derogatory or insulting meaning in several languages, and are generally used to mean someone who is obstinate, stupid or silly, In football, especially in the United Kingdom, a player who is considered unskilful is often dubbed a " donkey ", and the term has a similar connotation in poker.
- Sir J . Scarlett, as the plaintiff's leading counsel, contended, that the plaintiff had the right to begin, the affirmative of the issue being upon his client; and he argued, that, as the issue was, whether the plaintiff had performed an operation in an unskilful and unsurgeonlike manner, and had occupied too much time, it was incumbent upon the plaintiff to give evidence of his skill.