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valiance การใช้

"valiance" แปล  
  • Valiance is important but it does not always mean victory.
  • And, above all, for the valiance he demonstrated by agreeing to head the government in this difficult situation.
  • Vishnu was impressed by Jalandhara's valiance in battle and told him about Lakshmi's relationship with him.
  • The Alliance controls Valiance Keep and Valgarde in the Borean Tundra and Howling Fjord respectively, as well as Wintergarde Keep in Dragonblight.
  • Showing his indomitable valiance and carrying the heart brimmed with love towards Bharat Mata; Hemu compelled the Mughals to turn their tails.
  • This historical poetry composition of poet would introduce our new generation that immortal martyr, whose valiance was shrugged off by contemporary historians.
  • Drona did many years of severe penance to please Lord Shiva in order to obtain a son who possesses the same valiance as Lord Shiva.
  • Drona did many years of severe penance to please Lord Siva in order to obtain a son who possesses the same valiance as of Lord Siva.
  • It is also explained that Gwystyl's personality and health were affected by living so close to the region of Annuvin, further burnishing his valiance.
  • For all the valiance, Gramm's and Kerrey's proposals were ultimately excluded from the federal budget package approved by Congress and President Clinton in early August.
  • Brahmins shall be engaged continually in religious sacrifices, study, teaching, charity etc . The Kshatriya ( warriors ) shall be inclined towards exhibition of valiance and might.
  • His fattish face is supported by a valiance of chins; the head is held together by glasses that slip down a bridgeless nose that spreads its nostrils over a mustache.
  • The pair sleep together only for Serafina to reject Joe in the morning, doubting his valiance alongside those who died at war, and pulling a fake trigger to his head.
  • He received the Purple Heart posthumously, and was also in high consideration for being awarded the Navy Cross for his bravery during the Salamaua and Lae operation, and for valiance against the ShMkaku.
  • Foch spoke of their " astonishing valiance [ sic ] . . . " and General Sir Henry Rawlinson attributed the safety of Amiens to the " . . . determination, tenacity and valour of the Australian Corps ".
  • The Adepts are able to assist the raising of the city, and with Coo-ee-oh gone, Lady Aurex is named Queen of the Skeezers by Princess Ozma, and for his valiance, Aurex names Ervic her Prime Minister.
  • This was the first occasion when his natural acumen for leadership, valiance and zeal and fervour for fighting for the weak and oppressed were seen and acknowledged publicly and people started looking at him with expectation as the torch bearer of his distinguished family s lofty traditions.
  • The creation of a " Latino consensus " with other like-minded organizations to win approval for creating the development bank was " really a model for the exercising of Latino political power as well as building a new valiance with other constituencies,"
  • Also, Troy was a guest artist performing at California Arts Institution in Valiance as Hamlet and the ghost in " Shakespeare's Hamlet Project ", translated from Shakespeare's " The Elephant Man " and the defense attorney in " The Night of January 16 ".
  • But it is James Lecesne as Emory, the most defiantly effeminate of the characters ( " I'll be your topless cocktail waitress, " he chirps ), who actually melts the heart, finding a core of valiance and resilience, as well as the fathomless hurt, beneath the flamboyant armor.
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