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vasty การใช้

"vasty" แปล  
  • He said ( an excerpt ), " The Hyrcanian deserts and the vasty wilds / Of wild Arabia are as thoroughfares now ."
  • Spirits from the Vasty Deep "'" Bad writing is like any other form of crime; most of it is unimaginative and tiresomely predictable.
  • Can this cockpit hold / The vasty fields of France ? or may we cram / Within this wooden O the very casques / That did affright the air at Agincourt?
  • Did not America twice send the flower of its youth to fight in the " vasty fields of France, " as Shakespeare was wont to call the French countryside?
  • There's another preserved anachronism . ) Investigative reporters, White House sources and other conspirators from the vasty deep demanded in unison : " Forget about the dress and the hat pin _ how do you pronounce brooch?
  • The impressive progress the nation has made over the past 25 years toward cleaner air will be one of the sure victims of the demolition derby Congress has unleashed at the behest of westerners bored with dawdling though their vasty ( cq ) wastes.
  • And speaking for myself, frisson became thrill when Mark Rylance's Chorus stepped forward and invited me to imagine that this cockpit held the vasty fields of France and this wooden O was crammed with the helmets that affrighted the air at Agincourt.
  • Both fertilizer and equalizer, the Web has allowed a teen-ager identifying herself as Terren to publish her " Generic Growing Poem ( NU ) 88934 " just a mouse click away from Time Warner's vasty-deep Pathfinder service.
  • So finally, almost four centuries later, the prologue to " Henry V " seemed to make sense as Mark Rylance, the actor playing King Harry of England, stood at the front of the stage in the replica of Shakespeare's Globe Theater and asked : " Can this cockpit hold the vasty fields of France?
  • The chorus declares : " But pardon, gentles all, / The flat unraised spirits that hath dar'd / on this unworthy scaffold to bring forth so great an object : can this cockpit hold / The vasty fields of France ? or may we cram / Within this wooden O the very casques / That did affright the air at Agincourt ?"
  • Another association member, Jim Schneider, of Rapid City, S . D ., says that the owner of Sewart Seacraft, F . W . Sewart, who died in 1995, told him that an admiral watching a demonstration of the boats in Louisiana called them " swift, " and that the adjective just stuck as the name . ( The unidentified admiral couldn't call it " speedboat, " coined in 1905 about a small racing craft; he could have called it a fastboat, but that might be confused with Shakespeare's " vasty deep . ")