เข้าสู่ระบบ สมัครสมาชิก

vepris การใช้

  • Some of the common shrubs found in the Anjajavy forest are " Vepris ampody " ( Malagasy name : ampoly ) and " Rhizorphora mucronata " ( Malagasy name : honkovavy ).
  • The sub-tropical evergreen forest on the island includes the following tree species : Sideroxylon inerme, Apodytes dimidiata, Euclea schimperi, Manilkara discolor, Dovyalis rhamnoides, Dovyalis tristis, Diospyros natalensis, Clausena anisata, Cassine papillosa, Olea africana, Ficus burtt-davyi, Ficus sansibarica, Ficus capensis, Commiphora neglecta, Commiphora schlechteri, Allophylus melanocarpus, Erythroxylon emarginatum, Vepris undulata, Deinbollia oblongifolia, Scolopia ecklonii, Thespesia populnea and Galpinia transvaalica.
  • The library boasted one of the country's few Quadraphonic sound systems, and its first Quadraphonic recording was the Columbia production of Leonard Bernstein's music commission for the September 8, 1971 opening of the John F . Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts, Mass . The first landscaping by the school was the purchase of a sapling-as Vepris lanceolata ( supposedly a White Ironwood )-by Mrs Roberts, and planted in the Library courtyard in 1974 by former student, Mr Guy H . Best.