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videlicet การใช้

"videlicet" แปล  
  • :" fecit basilicam Augustus Constantinus in civitate Albanensis, videlicet S . Joannis Baptistae ".
  • Quo completo, quo facto, populo videlicet cuncto baptizato, Tharaphita eiecto, Pharaone submerso, captivis liberatis, redite cum gaudio Rigenses ."
  • It was turned into a duchy by Pope Paul III ( 1534 1549 ) in the bull " Videlicet immeriti " on 31 October 1537, with his son possessions in Parma.
  • Videlicet, KKE's leadership, was supporting a doctrine of " national unity " while eminent members, such as Stringos, Makridis and even Georgios Siantos, were creating revolutionary plans.
  • Thus in Walter Scott's 1814 novel " videlicet ", every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented ".
  • ;Sanction or remedy that this user violated : Wikipedia : General sanctions / Climate change probation, videlicet, POV advocacy in climate change articles, but especially in the Bishop Hill ( blog ) article
  • Quorum videlicet troporum, sive etiam sonorum, primus graeca lingua dicitur Protus; secundus Deuterus; tertius Tritus; quartus Tetrardus : qui singuli a suis finalibus deorsum pentachordo, quod est diapente, differunt.
  • "WILLELMUS ERNELE habet maneria etc . cum pertinenciis, que valent xxi . li . xiij . s . videlicet terras etc . in MANWODE apud ERNELE xx . li ., et terras etc . in MENESSE liij . s . iiij . d.
  • When read this way, they may be considered abbreviated heterograms, since they stand for the Latin " exempli gratia ", " id est ", and " videlicet " . ( They can also be read as spelled, and so on .)
  • Here lieth buried the body of Thomas Brend of West Molesey, esquire, who had by his two wives eighteen children, videlicet, by Margery, his first wife, four sons & six daughters, who died the second of June 1564, by Mercy, his last wife, he had four sons and four daughters.
  • What is clear is that their only goal with regard to that article was to make sure that it remained " on message . " In fact, I think this applies to all of their editing in general, videlicet, these editors are not here to improve articles unless it coincides with the goal of keeping the AGW topic " on message ."
  • Robert the Monk, listing the crusaders who accompanied Bohemond, mentions " the most noble princes, namely Tancred, his [ i . e ., Bohemond's ] nephew and the marquis's son . . . " ( " nobilissimi principes, Tancredus videlicet nepos suus and marchisi filius " ), confirming his father's rank but not his name.
  • He bestowed upon Roger II the same power, " in the sense that if a papal legate be sent thither, that is a representative of the pope, you in your zeal shall secure the execution of what the legate is to perform " ( " ea videlicet ratione, ut si quando illuc ex latere nostro legatus dirigitur, quem profecto vicarium intelligimus, qu?ab eo gerenda sunt, per tuam industriam effectui mancipentur " ).
  • Scott uses a common humorous reference to the Old Testament story that David and supporting malcontents took refuge from videlicet ", every one that was in distress, and every one that was in debt, and every one that was discontented, which the vulgate renders bitter of soul; and doubtless " he said " they will prove mighty men of their hands, and there is much need that they should, for I have seen many a sour look cast upon us ."
  • Above the Shield is place a coronet appropriate to a statutory Area Council [ videlicet :-issuant from a circlet eight paling piles ( three and two halves visible ) Or and eight garbs ( four visible ) of the Last banded Sable ); on a compartment below the Shield are set for Supporters dexter, a lion rampant Argent, armed and langued Gules, and sinister, a unicorn Argent, armed, maned and unguled Or, and gorged with a collar Gules from which is pendent an oval badge Azure, fimbriated Or, charged with a Saltire Argent and in an Escrol below the same this Motto :-Honesty and Justice"
  • "" Insuper constituimus, tibique damus hic descripta armorum insignia : videlicet : scutum in septem partes divisum; in medio eius, scutum aureum, cui inest aquila dupplex, alba et nigra, quae significat Emblema Imperiale, cuius capita coronata sunt purpureo Imperiali diademate, ex parte dextra in prima divisione scutum rubrum, in cuius medio videtur turris, significans utramque Daciam, in secunda divisione scutum coeleste, cum "'tribus Burris "', quarum duae e lateribus albae sunt, media vero aurea, quae indicat Albaniam superiorem; in tertia sectione scutum album cum uno Leone, indicante Epyrum; ex parte vero sinistra in sectione scutum coelestis coloris cum dupplici cruce aurea, exprimente secundam Pannoniam; in secunda divisione scutum rubrum, in cuius medio est caper nigri coloris, significans Macedoniam : et in tertia sectione scutum viridis coloris, et in eo duo brachia vestita, stemma aureum septem margaritis gemmatum tenentia, quae indicant Thessaliam : duo quoque emicant astra aurea, unum in media superioris scuti parte, et alterum in inferiori, quae complementum symbolicum ceterarum terrarum, et provinciarum terminant.