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vowelless การใช้

  • As has already been stated, in Russian at least all vowelless words are clitics.
  • In vowel initial verb stems, Woods Cree will use a vowelless variation of the personal prefixes.
  • Vowelless alphabets, which are not true alphabets, are called abjads, currently exemplified in scripts including matres lectionis ).
  • :The more usual cases of Slavic " vowelless words " are those with " r " or " l " serving the function of a vowel.
  • The traditional metrical system seems to confirm the existence of vowelless syllables in Shilha, and Jouad's data have been used by Dell and Elmedlaoui, and Ridouane to corroborate their findings.
  • There are other examples of vowelless sentences in Czech and Slovak language, a longer one being " ` krt plch z mlh Brd pln skvrn z mrv prv hrd scvrnkl z brzd skrz trs chrp v krs vrb mls mrch srn tvrthrst zrn ."
  • That is, unlike a syllabary ( which has unitary symbols for consonants followed by vowels ( CV ), with maybe a vowelless consonant following ), Khom script divides the syllable as C-VC, rather than CV-C ( Sidwell 2008 ).
  • There are also numerous vowelless interjections and onomatopoeia found more or less frequently, including " brr ( brrr is occasionally accepted ), bzzt, grrr, hm, hmm, mm, mmm, pfft, pht, phpht, psst, sh, shh, zzz ."
  • I tried to search for " vowelless transliteration " and " consonantal transliteration ", but Google either " corrected " [ sic ] " vowelless " to " vowels " and " transliteration " to " translation ", or it turned up an absurdly low and obviously incorrect number of search results.
  • I tried to search for " vowelless transliteration " and " consonantal transliteration ", but Google either " corrected " [ sic ] " vowelless " to " vowels " and " transliteration " to " translation ", or it turned up an absurdly low and obviously incorrect number of search results.
  • Only prepositions do this in Czech, and they normally link phonetically to the following noun, so do not really behave as vowelless words . ) In Russian, there are also prepositions that consist of a single consonant letter, like " k " " to ", " v " " in ", and " s " " with ".