workpeople การใช้
- In December 1919, laws were passed that extended compulsory insurance against infirmity and old age to certain new classes of workpeople.
- Mr . J . Homer, giving evidence to the commission, said that the whole of these were in the houses of the workpeople at that time.
- Once the wool had been carded ( to get rid of the tangles ) and spun ( both these processes could be done in the workpeople's own homes ), it then required weaving.
- Muslim scholar Muhammad al-Idrisi, writing c . 1153, described Hastings as " a town of large extent and many inhabitants, flourishing and handsome, having markets, workpeople and rich merchants ".
- Extraordinary provision is made in them for the physical comfort, the mental improvement, and the social recreation of the workpeople, in whom Mr . Haworth always evinced the warmest personal interest . Manchester Guardian 1883
- He laid out a park-like retreat, which he himself planned, for his workpeople at Meltham, and built them a handsome dining-hall and concert-room, with a spacious swimming-bath underneath.
- "" The separation between the male and female workpeople, in these pin-manufactories, is perfect; and the proprietors, in both instances, reject any candidates for employment, who cannot bring with them a fair moral character " ".
- Here it is shewn that ordinary paper would not be damaged by what the Defendants are doing, but only a particular kind of paper, and it is not shewn that there is heat such as to incommode the workpeople on the Plaintiff's premises.
- There is no evidence to shew that the heat is such as to interfere with the comfort of the Plaintiff's workpeople, but there is evidence to shew that it damages one sort of paper sold by the Plaintiff, and so to some extent interferes with his use of the demised property.
- Wordsworth died in 1846 : an account of his funeral in the " Leeds Mercury " of 8 August 1846 noted that it was attended by a large procession of the workpeople of the firm, and that Wordsworth had been a gentleman of great worth and generosity, and zealous in his attachment to Liberal politics.
- She goes on to ask, " Did I ever tell you about that place . . . about the time he took me to that place ? " This place turns out to be " a kind of factory " peopled by his " workpeople " who " respected his . . . purity, his . . . conviction " ( 23 25 ).
- After a destroyed passage of the inscription, of considerable length, of which, however, enough has been preserved to show us that the narration went on to state that the armed force was sent with the expedition to protect and defend it against the enemy, and that officers of the king, as well as stonecutters and other workpeople, accompanied it, Hannu continues:
- A general 8-hour-day law passed in April 1919 amended the French Labour Code, and in June that year, existing legislation concerning the duration of the working day in the mining industry was amended by extending the eight-hour day to all classes of workpeople, whether employed underground or on the surface . Under a previous law of December 1913, the eight-hour limit had only applied to workpeople employed underground.
- A general 8-hour-day law passed in April 1919 amended the French Labour Code, and in June that year, existing legislation concerning the duration of the working day in the mining industry was amended by extending the eight-hour day to all classes of workpeople, whether employed underground or on the surface . Under a previous law of December 1913, the eight-hour limit had only applied to workpeople employed underground.
- "Combined co-operation of many orders of workpeople, adult and young, in tending with assiduous skill, a system of productive machines, continuously impelled by a central power " ( the prime mover ); on the other hand, as " a vast automaton, composed of various mechanical and intellectual organs, acting in uninterrupted concert for the production of a common object, all of them being subordinate to a self-regulated moving force ."
- The judges ( Lord Alverstone, C . J .; and Kennedy and Ridley, J . J . ) stated that they came to the conclusion with " reluctance ", and said : " We venture to express the hope that some amendment of the law may be made so as to extend the protection of the Truck Act to a class of workpeople indistinguishable from those already within its provisions . " The workers in question were lace-clippers taking out work to do in their homes, and in the words of the High Court decision " though they do sometimes employ assistants are evidently, as a class, wage-earning manual labourers and not contractors in the ordinary and popular sense ."
- Thus the Acts 1831 to 1887, and also the Act of 1896, apply to all workers ( men, women and children ) engaged in manual labour, except domestic servants; they apply not only in mines, factories and workshops, but, to quote the published Home Office Memorandum on the acts, " in all places where workpeople are engaged in manual labour under a contract with an employer, whether or no the employer be an owner or agent or a parent, or be himself a workman; and therefore a workman who employs . . . and pays others under him must also observe the Truck Acts . " The law thus in certain circumstances covers outworkers for a contractor or sub-contractor.