ตําหนิ round on flaw pick on hold against blame on rake over reprobate keep on at reprove kink complain choke off drop on fissure lash criticize heavily chastise scar censure jump on tax advise weigh again
กําหนด enforce bind down lay destine compel declare chain to be fated state stipulate force inflict ordain evaluate write estimate indicate exact influence estimate roughly condemn identify plot stipulate
กําหนัด passion aphrodisia be sexually aroused heat erotic felling concupiscence yearn be in heat lust lustful crave amorous have passionate longing for desire voluptuousness be sexually excited sexual desi
พัทยาเป็นรีสอร์ทที่คนทั่วโลกสนใจเข้ามาท่องเที่ยวชมความงามซึ่งจากถนนพระตําหนักซอย5 The quiet residential area located slightly inside of Thapphraya in southern part of Pattaya city area, is a planned 15 Thapphraya road construction site of Rising Place.