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aecial การใช้

  • These teliospores are produced in the aecial or uredial pustules.
  • Aecial hosts include white spruce ( Crane 2001 ).
  • The aecial stage is found on native and exotic Engelmann spruces ( Crane 2001 ).
  • The only reported aecial host, subalpine areas in western Canada and the United States ( Crane 2001 ).
  • The hosts of the aecial stage of the fungus includes two and three needled " Pinus " spp.
  • A primary aecial stage is spent parasitizing a separate host plant which is a precursor in the life cycle of heteroecious fungi.
  • The macrocyclic life cycle has all spore states, the demicyclic lacks the uredinial state, and the microcyclic cycle lacks the basidial, pycnial, and the aecial states, thus possess only uredinial and telia.
  • Finally he considered WLR as a part of Puccinia persistens species with aecial stage on Ranunculaceae members, totally different from " P . recondita " which produces its aecial stage on Boraginacec family members.
  • Finally he considered WLR as a part of Puccinia persistens species with aecial stage on Ranunculaceae members, totally different from " P . recondita " which produces its aecial stage on Boraginacec family members.
  • On the aecial host the first signs of " C . ribcola " are yellow or red spots on the " Pinus " needles, but these are small and can be difficult to see; more visible symptoms on the aecial host includes perennial cankers which appear on the branches within two years of infection.
  • On the aecial host the first signs of " C . ribcola " are yellow or red spots on the " Pinus " needles, but these are small and can be difficult to see; more visible symptoms on the aecial host includes perennial cankers which appear on the branches within two years of infection.
  • In macrocyclic and demicyclic life cycles, the rust may be either host alternating ( heteroecious ), i . e ., the aecial state is on one kind of plant but the telial state on a different and unrelated plant, or non-host alternating ( autoecious ), i . e ., the aecial and telial states on the same kind of plant . "'Heteroecious "'rust fungi require two unrelated hosts to complete their life cycle, with the primary host being infected by aeciospores and the alternate host being infected with basidiospores.
  • In macrocyclic and demicyclic life cycles, the rust may be either host alternating ( heteroecious ), i . e ., the aecial state is on one kind of plant but the telial state on a different and unrelated plant, or non-host alternating ( autoecious ), i . e ., the aecial and telial states on the same kind of plant . "'Heteroecious "'rust fungi require two unrelated hosts to complete their life cycle, with the primary host being infected by aeciospores and the alternate host being infected with basidiospores.