aeciospore การใช้
- The aeciospores are found in chains of 7-8 spores and are sessile.
- The chains of aeciospores are surrounded by a bell-like enclosure of fungal cells.
- In July and August, spores from the apple leaves ( Aeciospores ) are produced.
- The spores produced in the pustules are aeciospores and spread the disease throughout the plant by wind.
- Upon germination hyphae produced by the aeciospores penetrate the grass, leading to the production of uredia.
- This dikaryotic mycelium then forms structures called aecia, which produce a type of dikaryotic spores called aeciospores.
- Diseased cones open prematurely and orange-yellow aeciospores are sometimes produced in such quantity as to color the forest floor and lake surfaces.
- It was then experimentally proved that when bearberry were inoculated in a moist chamber with aeciospores from spruce brooms, telia would begin to form.
- Some feed on the aeciospores and can negatively impact the fungus survival while other insects, like the red turpentine beetle, can carry spores to other trees.
- Rust is most commonly seen as coloured powder, composed of tiny aeciospores which land on vegetation producing pustules, or uredia, that form on the lower surfaces.
- The aeciospores are able to germinate on the cereal host but not on the alternative host ( they are produced on the alternative host, which is usually barberry ).
- This fungus produces four out of five of the spores known to be produced by the class Urediniomycetes during its life cycle . ( Teliospores, Basidiospores, Spermatia, and Aeciospores.
- Signs of pine-pine gall rust include the pale yellow aecia ( 1-8mm in diameter ) formed on galls in spring as well as the yellow-orange aeciospores contained within.
- Fungi that lack pycniospores and aeciospores in their life cycle are termed "'microcyclic "'and always have an autoecious life cycle . "'Demicyclic "'fungi delete the uredial ( repeating ) stage from the life cycle.
- Anton de Bary later conducted experiments to observe the beliefs of the European farmers regarding the relationship between the rust and barberry plants, and after successful attempts to connect the basidiospores of the basidia stage to barberry, he also identified that the aeciospores in the aecia stage reinfect the wheat host.
- When " C . umbellata " is infected by the rust aeciospores from the pine host, yellow, blister-like spots bearing urediniospores appear on the leaves of the plant within 20 days . In the following weeks, teliospores develop on brown, hairlike telia that germinate to produce basidiospores, the fungal life stage capable of infecting pines.
- In macrocyclic and demicyclic life cycles, the rust may be either host alternating ( heteroecious ), i . e ., the aecial state is on one kind of plant but the telial state on a different and unrelated plant, or non-host alternating ( autoecious ), i . e ., the aecial and telial states on the same kind of plant . "'Heteroecious "'rust fungi require two unrelated hosts to complete their life cycle, with the primary host being infected by aeciospores and the alternate host being infected with basidiospores.