ambitus การใช้
- Even relatively florid chants like Alleluias may have a narrow ambitus.
- The trials for ambitus were numerous in the time of the republic.
- All of the church modes are distinguished in part by their ambitus.
- Baebius spearheaded legislation to crack down on " ambitus ".
- Different chants vary widely in their ambitus.
- In 115 BC Rufus was defeated for the consulship by Aemilius Scaurus and prosecuted him for ambitus.
- The point is perhaps that " ambitus " could be construed as treason under some circumstances.
- Gregorian chant was categorized into eight Ambitus " refers to the range of pitches used in the melody.
- Maintaining the basis of its squad, Nacional dominated the national ambitus for three consecutive years ( 2002 .)
- In Gregorian chant specifically, the ambitus is the range, or the distance between the highest and lowest note.
- The oration of Cicero in defence of L . Murena, who was charged with ambitus, and that in defence of Cn.
- In practice, bringing a charge of " ambitus " against a public figure became a favored tactic for undermining a political opponent.
- They are less dependent on a monodic patterns of a certain " glas ", but simply melodies in the ambitus of the echos in question.
- The plagal modes have the final in the middle of the ambitus, while the authentic modes generally go no more than one note below the final.
- During the Stoic philosopher Epictetus ( 1st 2nd centuries AD ) recoiled from the rough-and-tumble of electoral politics and " ambitus ":
- Old Roman chants are much more ambitus, with small repeating melodic motifs, which are common in the Italian chant traditions such as the Ambrosian and Beneventan.
- Glarean regarded compositions with F as the final and a one-flat signature as transpositions of the Ionian or Hypoionian mode ( depending on the ambitus ).
- St黨lmeyer demonstrated that Hildegard's tone language and the ambitus, spanning up to two octaves, both meet professional, compositional standards of the 12th century.
- The offence of " ambitus " was a matter which belonged to the " judicia publica ", and the enactments against it were numerous.
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