amerciament การใช้
- In his venture Strongbow seems to have been assisted financially by a Jewish moneylender, for under the date of 1170 the following record occurs : " Josce Jew of Gloucester owes 100 shillings for an amerciament for the moneys which he lent to those who against the king's prohibition went over to Ireland ".
- We cannot help asserting, therefore, that this part of the act will make an essential change in the constitution of juries, and it is directly repugnant to the Great Charter itself; for, by that charter, no amerciament shall be assessed, but by the oath of honest and lawful men of the vicinage; and, no freeman shall be taken, or imprisoned, or disseized of his freehold, or liberties of free customs, nor passed upon, nor condemned, but by lawful judgment of his peers, or by the law of the land . So that this act will make such a distinction, and create such a difference between the subjects in Great Britain and those in America, as we could not have expected from the guardians of liberty in both .