cabomba การใช้
- Also, there is no " Cabomba ", an aquatic weed genus that can affect water quality.
- The oxygenators I chose were the ruddy-leaved red hygrophilia ( Hygrophilia polysperma ) and feathery cabomba ( Cabomba caroliniana ).
- The oxygenators I chose were the ruddy-leaved red hygrophilia ( Hygrophilia polysperma ) and feathery cabomba ( Cabomba caroliniana ).
- "Cabomba aquatica " is easy to culture in the laboratory and; hence, reliable items for ecotoxicological investigations.
- ""'Cabomba caroliniana " "'is an aquatic perennial herbaceous plant native to North and South America.
- The family consists of two genera of aquatic plants, " Brasenia " and " Cabomba ", totalling six species.
- "Cabomba aquatica " is also important in the aquatic ecosystem because it acts as an efficient accumulator of heavy metals in water bodies.
- "Cabomba caroliniana ", a plant in a different family, is noted for having leaves that resemble those of " Limnophila ".
- "Cabomba aquatica " mainly propagate by detachment of stem portions from the mother plant, and have adventitious roots that are produced in the nodes.
- In " Cabomba aquatica ", one ovule is produced from each carpel and the pollen to ovule ratio is of ca . 1000 : 1.
- The leaves of the " Cabomba aquatica " are floating and they produce exclusively at the apical parts of the stem; this usually accompanies flower production.
- Their eggs are adhesive and attach to aquatic vegetation, typically dense plants such as " Cabomba " or " Elodea " or a spawning mop.
- A planted aquarium is welcomed by these fishes, particularly if the plants include fine-leaved species such as " Cabomba " and " Myriophyllum ".
- "Cabomba aquatica " is beneficial to lakes, dams, and even rivers because they produce oxygen and take in Carbon ( IV ) Oxide; this helps in the overall functioning of the particular water body.
- If the female is ready to spawn, then the pair will migrate to fine-leaved aquatic plants such as " Cabomba " or Java Moss, whereupon the pair will adopt a side-by-side position.
- Once the matter of water chemistry has been settled, the breeding aquarium should be furnished with fine-leaved aquatic foliage . " Cabomba " and " Myriophyllyum " are suitable choices, and Java moss is likely to be a useful addition to the breeding aquarium as well.
- Though the fishes prefer to spawn among fine leaved plants, one problem that the aquarist faces in this regard is that the majority of fine leaved plants available in the aquarium prefer high light levels ( " Cabomba " is a particular case in point ) while the rummy-nose tetra prefers to spawn under subdued lighting conditions.
- Live aquatic plants, as well as providing additional biological filtration components to assist with nitrate management, provide an environment that resembles at least part of the wild habitat, and fine-leaved plants such as " Cabomba " are usually the plants of choice, though other plants such as Amazon swordplants and " Vallisneria " are equally suitable for an aquarium housing them.
- Bushy plants such as " Cabomba " may also be used in the aquarium, but this genus of plants requires intense lighting, while the " Cryptocoryne " and " Aponogeton " species prefer more subdued lighting, as does the harlequin rasbora, so if the aquarist wishes to have a variety of plants in the aquarium, other species that prefer subdued lighting are better choices.
- Tropical freshwater refugiums often contain large amounts of aquarium plants, primarily " Vallisneria ", " Anubias ", " Cabomba ", " Echinodorus ", " Microsorum ", " Cladophora ", Java moss and " Fontinalis ", but like marine tanks they often contain scavengers such as several species of prolific snails which are often Ramshorn snails and " Physa " and prolific shrimp such as cherry shrimp.