ergoline การใช้
- Ergoline derivatives ( lysergamides ) are probably responsible for the entheogenic activity.
- Recently, clinics have shown an interest in ergoline to treat patients with autism.
- "A . nervosa " seeds contain various ergoline alkaloids such as ergine.
- The ergoline alkaloids found in " Convolvulaceae " are produced by a seed-transmitted epiphytic clavicipitaceous fungus.
- Both the ergoline and indole-diterpenoid alkaloids have biological activity against mammalian herbivores, and also activity against some insects.
- Ergot alkaloids are also used in products such as Cafergot ( containing caffeine and ergotamine or ergoline ) to treat migraine headaches.
- Among the most abundant ergot alkaloids in epichlo?symbiotic grasses is ergovaline, comprising an ergoline non-ribosomal peptide synthetase.
- "' Mesulergine "'is a psychoactive drug of the ergoline chemical class that acts on serotonin and dopamine receptors.
- "' Metergoline "'is a psychoactive drug of the ergoline chemical class which acts as a ligand for various serotonin and dopamine receptors.
- "' Ergotamine "'is an ergopeptine and part of the ergot family of alkaloids; it is structurally and biochemically closely related to ergoline.
- "' Chanoclavine "', also known as chanoclavin-l is a tri-cyclic ergot alkaloid ( ergoline ) isolate of certain fungi.
- "' Acetergamine "'is a organic chemical compound; specifically it is a derivative of ergoline, making it a member of the ergotamine family of compounds.
- Sleepy grass plants harboring a fungal species ( of the genus " Neotyphodium " ), contain ergoline compounds, such as lysergic acid amide ( common name, ergine ).
- Perhaps the most famous ergoline derivative is the drug LSD . Ergometrine and ergotamine are included as schedule I precursors in the United Nations Convention Against Illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances.
- It was derived through structural simplification of the ergoline based psychedelic LSD, but is far more selective for 5-HT 1A with over 1000x selectivity over other serotonin receptor subtypes and other targets.
- "' LSD-Pip "'is a compound from the ergoline family, related to LSD but with the " N, N "-diethyl substitution replaced by a piperidine group.
- LSD is a Retrosynthetically, the C-5 stereocenter could be analysed as having the same configuration of the alpha carbon of the naturally occurring amino acid L-tryptophan, the precursor to all biosynthetic ergoline compounds.
- Ergoline alkaloids ( which are ergot alkaloids, named after the ergot fungus, " Claviceps purpurea ", a close relative of the epichloae ) are characterized by a ring system derived from 4-prenyl tryptophan.
- The seeds contain ergine ( LSA ), an ergoline alkaloid similar in structure to LSD . The psychedelic properties of " Turbina corymbosa " and comparison of the potency of different varieties were studied in the Central Intelligence Agency's MKULTRA Subproject 22 in 1956.
- "' Ergoline "'is a chemical compound whose structural skeleton is contained in a diverse range of alkaloids . "'Ergoline derivatives "'are used clinically for the purpose of vasoconstriction ( psychedelic substances, including LSD and some alkaloids in " Argyreia nervosa ", " Ipomoea tricolor " and related species.
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