exclosure การใช้
- A deer exclosure was built to demonstrate the effects of grazing pressure from the deer.
- This method also has drawbacks, as scavengers such as hyenas are capable of infiltrating almost any exclosure.
- Exclosures are not always used, as they occasionally draw more attention to the nest than would occur without the exclosure.
- Exclosure experiments in Alberta indicated browsing by snowshoe hares during population peaks has the greatest impact on palatable species, thus further reducing the amount of available foods.
- One purpose of the exclosure is to determine how the area would develop ( in biodiversity, vegetation height, ecological characteristics, etc . ) if grazing were not conducted.
- Elk exclosure experiments in rainforest valleys show more species of vegetation growing outside the exclosures, where elk browse, than inside; while there are more brush and saplings inside exclosures, there are more grasses and forbs outside.