gliocladium การใช้
- Species of " Gliocladium " rarely produce a sexual state.
- "Gliocladium " species occur worldwide in soil and decaying organic matter.
- Microscopically, " Gliocladium " species produces hyphae, conidiophores, and conidia borne from hyaline phialides.
- "' Viridin "'is an antifungal metabolite of " Gliocladium virens " that was first reported in 1945.
- The recent discovery of a variant of the fungus " Gliocladium roseum " points toward the production of so-called myco-diesel from cellulose.
- Most species of " Gliocladium " grow rapidly in culture producing spreading colonies with a cotton-like texture, covering a Petri dish in 1 week.
- Phialides may be held in whorls, at an angle of 90?with respect to other members of the whorl, or they may be variously penicillate ( gliocladium-like ).
- In the biosynthesis of viridiol by " Gliocladium deliquescens ", the 3?-OH reduced form of viridin, the incorporation of squalene, lanosterol, dehydroxydemethoxyviridin, and demethoxyviridin was reported.
- Most pathogenic, disease-causing fungi in humans is mitosporic like " Gliocladium " . " Gliocladium " is filamentous; it grows tubular, elongated, and thread-like.
- Most pathogenic, disease-causing fungi in humans is mitosporic like " Gliocladium " . " Gliocladium " is filamentous; it grows tubular, elongated, and thread-like.
- Phylogenetic analysis of " P . lilacinum " isolates show that it is more closely related to " Trichoderma ", " Gliocladium " and " Hypocrea " than to the other entomopathogenic " Paecilomyces " species in the Hypocreales.
- Some species of " Gliocladium " are parasitic on other fungi . " Gliocladium " is found world-wide . " Gliocladium " is classified as a RG-1 organism; it is assessed to have low to no individual or community risk.
- Some species of " Gliocladium " are parasitic on other fungi . " Gliocladium " is found world-wide . " Gliocladium " is classified as a RG-1 organism; it is assessed to have low to no individual or community risk.
- Some species of " Gliocladium " are parasitic on other fungi . " Gliocladium " is found world-wide . " Gliocladium " is classified as a RG-1 organism; it is assessed to have low to no individual or community risk.
- The conidiophores are erect, dense, and have a brush-like structure which produce tapering, slimy phialides . " Gliocladium " can produce conidiophores that are branching and vertically oriented, similar to the genera " Verticillium ", " Trichoderma " and " Penicillium ".
- The most common such fungus is " Verticillium rexianum " mainly species from " Comatricha " or " Stemonitis " . " Gliocladium album " and " Sesquicillium microsporum " are often found on Physaridae, while " Polycephalomyces tomentosus " is often found on certain species of Trichiidae . " Nectriopsis violacea " specialises on " Fuligo septica ".