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gyrofrequency การใช้

  • Waves with frequencies smaller than the gyrofrequency are called hydromagnetic waves.
  • The gyrofrequency of an electron is calculated to be 1.76x107 Brad / second.
  • Consequently, the magnetic moment remains nearly constant even for changes at rates approaching the gyrofrequency.
  • The frequency of oscillation, \ omega _ { ci } known as the cyclotron frequency or gyrofrequency, is directly proportional to the magnetic field.
  • In the presence of the ionospheric plasma and the geomagnetic field, electromagnetic waves exist for frequencies which are larger than the gyrofrequency of the ions ( about 1 Hz ).
  • Evidently the classical ( collisional ) diffusion is maximum when the collision frequency is equal to the gyrofrequency, in which case " D " = ?采 c = " v " th ?/ ? c.
  • In a uniform magnetic field, a particle undergoes random walk across the field lines by the step size of gyroradius ?a " v th / ?, where v th denotes the thermal velocity, and ?a " qB / mc, the gyrofrequency.
  • If the collision frequency is larger than the gyrofrequency, then the particles can be considered to move freely with the thermal velocity " v " th between collisions, and the diffusion coefficient takes the form D = v _ { th } ^ 2 / \ nu.
  • In a magnetized plasma, the collision frequency is usually small compared to the gyrofrequency, so that the step size is the gyroradius \ rho and the step time is the collision time, \ tau, which is related to the collision frequency through \ tau = 1 / \ nu, leading to D = \ rho ^ 2 \ nu.