kinematically การใช้
- Users extract non-qualitative data from the kinematically diffracted electrons.
- There are 6 galaxies in section A which are kinematically confirmed galaxies.
- AZ Cancri belongs kinematically to the old disk.
- Kinematically, a neutron can transfer more energy to light nuclei such as hydrogen or helium than to heavier nuclei.
- Note also that heavy ions cannot " back " scatter from light ones : it is kinematically prohibited.
- He also patented the kinematically yielding gripper, a new robot gripper that complies passively to hold parts securely without sensing.
- The general work theorem establishes an energy relationship between any statically-admissible stress field and any kinematically-admissible strain field that can be defined in the body.
- A kinematically determinate structure can be defined as a structure where, if it is possible to find nodal displacements compatible with member extensions, those nodal displacements are unique.
- Those corners, which represent singular points of the power shaft's trajectory, cannot be avoided or rounded to provide for the kinematically closed functioning of the gear.
- Freeform-bending processes, like " three-roll-pushbending ", shape the workpiece kinematically, thus the bending contour is not dependent on the tool geometry.
- The positivity of energy release in these processes means that they are allowed kinematically ( they do not violate the conservation of energy ) and, thus, in principle, can occur.
- This group may be kinematically associated with the alpha Persei cluster, indicating that the Cas-Tau group, including Epsilon Cassiopeiae, may have been separated from the cluster through tidal interactions.
- The device consists of the upper case and the lower case with the upper die installed therein respectively, and sliders that are kinematically interconnected with the cases by means of guides of special design and hold side dies attached thereto.
- The displacement field \ mathbf { u } ^ { * }, was assumed as a continuous function leading to a regular integrable function that is the kinematically-admissible strain field \ boldsymbol { \ varepsilon } ^ { * }.
- This equation is the starting point of the kinematically admissible formulations of the local meshfree methods, such as the generalized-atrain mesh-free ( GSMF ) formulation and the rigid-body displacement mesh-free ( RBDMF ) formulation.
- If time dilation and length contraction of bodies moving in the aether have their exact relativistic values, the complete Lorentz transformation can be derived and the aether is hidden from any observation, which makes it kinematically indistinguishable from the predictions of special relativity.
- Kinematically, these calculations suggest that it is possible that one could have an orbit located just right so that the planet is barely inside the outer limit of a Red Giant and thus able to persist for hundreds of thousands of years before it decays.
- Consider further an arbitrary kinematically-admissible strain field \ boldsymbol { \ varepsilon } ^ { * }, with continuous displacements \ mathbf { u } ^ { * } and small derivatives, in order to assume geometrical linearity, defined in the global domain that is
- Additional advances include the'Parametrized Diastolic Filling ( PDF ) Formalism'wherein the early, mechanical suction-initiated rapid filling portion of diastole ( the echocardiographic Doppler E-wave ) is modeled kinematically in analogy to the recoil, from rest, of a damped simple harmonic oscillator.
- The displacement field d ^ Q _ i associated with this forced is defined by releasing the structural restraints acting on the point where F ^ Q is applied and imposing a relative unit displacement which is kinematically admissible in the negative direction, represented as d ^ Q _ 1 =-1.
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