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latrocinium การใช้

  • The high-handed behaviour at the " Latrocinium " also back-fired.
  • It came to be called the Robber Council of Ephesus or Robber Synod of Latrocinium by its opponents.
  • Originally convened as an ecumenical council, its ecumenical nature was rejected by the Chalcedonians, who denounced the council as latrocinium.
  • This council was later overturned by the Council of Chalcedon and labeled " Latrocinium " ( i . e ., " Robber Council " ).
  • Flavian died a few days after the closure of the Latrocinium because of the injuries suffered from the mob of Dioscorus'monks, led by the dreaded abbot Barsaumas, " a wild, illiterate Syrian archimandrite ".
  • King Richard I ( 1189 1199 ) confirmed the Templars'land holdings and granted them immunity from all pleas, suits " danegeld " and from " murdrum " and " latrocinium ".
  • Chrysaphius, however, was able to use Dioscorus to depose Flavian at the " Robber-synod " ( " Latrocinium " ) of Ephesus in August 449 . He used the soldiers and puppet clerics to prevent any discussion of the issues.
  • The word larceny is a late Middle English word, from the Anglo-Norman word " larcin, " or theft . Its probable Latin root is " latrocinium, " a derivative of " latro, " robber ( originally mercenary soldier ).
  • Saint Augustine would later argue that a bandit state " ( latrocinium ) ", as exemplified by the community organized under Spartacus in the Third Servile War, could not be distinguished structurally from a legitimate " regnum " ( " rule, kingdom " ), and a rule could be deemed just if its benefits were shared communally.