melanerpes การใช้
- The "'Gila woodpecker "'( " Melanerpes uropygialis " ) is a medium-sized woodpecker of the desert regions of the southwestern United States and western Mexico.
- This has been observed in avians like acorn woodpeckers ( " Melanerpes formicivorus " ), Observations that show male relatedness suggest the importance for male social relationships in taking care of offspring.
- The "'red-crowned woodpecker "'( " Melanerpes rubricapillus " ) is a resident breeding bird from southwestern Costa Rica south to Colombia, Venezuela, the Guianas and Tobago.
- He has several zoological species named after him, including the Guadeloupe woodpecker ( " Melanerpes herminieri " ), the Martinique curly-tailed lizard ( " Leiocephalus herminieri " ), and Audubon's shearwater ( " Puffinus lherminieri " ).
- Eastern fox squirrels may make their own den in a hollow tree by cutting through the interior; however, they generally use natural cavities or cavities created by northern flickers ( " Colaptes auratus " ) or red-headed woodpeckers ( " Melanerpes erythrocephalus " ).
- The "'Lewis's woodpecker "'( " Melanerpes lewis " ) is a large North American species of woodpecker which ornithologist Alexander Wilson named after Meriwether Lewis, one of the explorers who surveyed the areas bought by the United States of America as part of the Louisiana Purchase.
- Its preferred hunting technique is to soar high until it has spotted suitable prey, and then dive down on it, usually right into the forest canopy, but it has also been observed to catch a white woodpecker ( " Melanerpes candidus " ) that had been mobbing it in mid-air, after launching itself from its perch.
- The state is also a host to a large population of birds which include endemic species and migratory species : greater roadrunner " Geococcyx californianus ", cactus wren " Campylorhynchus brunneicapillus ", Mexican jay " Aphelocoma ultramarina ", Steller's jay " Cyanocitta stelleri ", acorn woodpecker " Melanerpes formicivorus ", canyon towhee " Pipilo fuscus ", mourning dove " Zenaida macroura ", broad-billed hummingbird " Cynanthus latirostris ", Montezuma quail " Cyrtonyx montezumae ", mountain trogon " Trogon mexicanus ", turkey vulture " Cathartes aura ", and golden eagle " Aquila chrysaetos " . " Trogon mexicanus " is an endemic species found in the mountains in Mexico; it is considered an endangered species and has symbolic significance to Mexicans.