obsolesce การใช้
- What older, previously obsolesced opportunity does it bring back?
- When something is obsolesced, however, it doesn't cease to exist.
- The old hand-written master calendar has been obsolesced by Excel spreadsheet grids.
- This is the point when mechanical failure no longer feels like the inevitable result of planned obsolesce.
- The article describes a future commercial product which is non-notable and rapidly obsolesced commercial product.
- If medical practice were the science it is sometimes said to be, even the word opinion would be obsolescing fast.
- In recent decades it has been obsolesced in almost all industrial uses due to various arc welding methods offering more consistent mechanical weld properties and faster application.
- Mac OS X Server was never officially known simply as Mac OS X, and was ultimately obsolesced by Mac OS X v10.0 in 2001 and macOS Server.
- Only three of the Subtitles are currently in use, the others being either obsolesced ( Subtitle A ) or reserved for future use ( Subtitles D and E ).
- Due to its smaller size, SFP obsolesces the formerly ubiquitous gigabit interface converter ( GBIC ); the SFP is sometimes referred to as a "'Mini-GBIC " '.
- While Remington did later chamber the cartridge in the 24 inch Model 700 rifle the damage was already done to the cartridge's reputation from which it would not recover and eventually passed into obsolesce.
- He argued that " the essence of my plan for accomplishing these much-to-be-desired-ends is to chart the obsolesce of capital and consumption goods at the time of their production ".
- It goes on to describe the state into which the Army had obsolesced between the Great Wars, including the almost complete abandonment of such modern military equipment as the tank and the airplane, and military motor transportation.
- This is further complicated by a constantly changing environment, where new hardware and technology rapidly obsolesces old equipment, and yet must seamlessly come online in a fashion load balancing scheme to distribute requests across various pieces of hardware.
- A computer as a research and communication instrument could enhance retrieval, obsolesce mass library organization, retrieve the individual's encyclopedic function and flip into a private line to speedily tailored data of a saleable kind . ( 1962)
- As for the ICBM force, SAC reached a peak strength of 1000 Minuteman II and III and 54 Titan II ICBMs on active status before seeing reductions and retirements through a combination of obsolescing systems and various arms reduction treaties with the Soviet Union.
- Simply put, McLuhan's four laws state that every innovation _ whether it's a product, a service, a process or an idea _ does four things : It enhances something, obsolesces something ( makes it irrelevant ), retrieves something and, eventually, reverses into its opposite.
- The coup-de-grace is variously opined to be Stealth technology especially as embodied in the cruise missile, which would have required an unattainable number of installations to secure the Soviet border; the Gulf War, which proved stealth and easily overcame Soviet-doctrine Iraqi forces; or Ronald Reagan's Strategic Defense Initiative, a clear attempt to obsolesce the Soviet nuclear arsenal, creating an immense expense for the Soviets to maintain parity.