octobrist การใช้
- In 1905 Rodzianko had been one of the founders and leaders of the Octobrist party.
- The Octobrist party were the largest, with around one-third of all the deputies.
- After that, the newspaper's circulation and influence declined and it took the Octobrist editorial stance.
- Every Little Octobrist wore a ruby-coloured five-pointed star badge with the portrait of Vladimir Lenin in his childhood.
- He appears in Kouta Hirano's " Drifters " manga series leading a group of magicians called the Octobrist Organization.
- By that time, the October Revolution had given the term " Octobrist " a completely different meaning and connotation in Russian politics.
- Meanwhile, the " Octobrist Organization ", a group of human magicians native to this world, attempts to bring together the many individual Drifters to save their world from the brutal Ends.
- Although excluded from the more important Duma committees, the Kadets were not entirely powerless and could determine the outcome of certain votes when allied with the centrist Octobrist faction against right wing nationalist deputies.
- Shipov was one of the principal founders of the Octobrist Party, who uttered'declarations of loyal support'to the Tsar and government in the wake of the Tsar's October Manifesto.
- As a member of the centralist Octobrist Party Protopopov was elected in 1907 as a delegate to both the Marshal of Nobility of the Korsunsk Uezd ( 1912 ), and of Simbirsk Gubernia ( 1916 ).
- The lack of strong leadership is illustrated by a telegram from Octobrist politician Mikhail Rodzianko to the Tsar on, in which Rodzianko begged for a minister with the " confidence of the country " be instated immediately.
- Once the initial outburst of national unity feelings died down in mid-1915 as Russian retreat from Galicia showed the government's incompetence, the Kadets, together with the Progressive faction, the Octobrist faction and a part of the Nationalist faction in the Duma, formed the Progressive Bloc in August 1915, which was critical of the government's prosecution of the war and demanded a government of " popular confidence ".