oligospermia การใช้
- It found no significant relation between oligospermia and being underweight.
- In mice, a deletion on mtDNA causes oligospermia and asthenozoospermia, resulting in infertility.
- Workers exposed to high levels are at risk for granulocytopenia, macrocytic anemia, oligospermia, and azoospermia.
- Hypospermia would only usually be a factor in infertility if the two conditions ( hypospermia and oligospermia ) are combined.
- In most cases of oligospermia including its idiopathic form there is no direct medical or surgical intervention agreed to be effective.
- Examples of MAIS phenotypes include isolated infertility ( oligospermia or azoospermia ), mild gynecomastia in young adulthood, decreased M黮lerian remnants.
- Low-dose estrogen and testosterone combination therapy may improve sperm count and motility in some men, including in men with severe oligospermia.
- In case of proven fertility but unresolved pelvic pain, even one or both partially obstructed ejaculatory ducts may be the origin of pelvic pain and oligospermia.
- Terms "'oligospermia "'and "'oligozoospermia "'refer to semen with a low concentration of sperm and is a common finding in male infertility.
- Vasography may be indicated if there is severe oligospermia ( few sperm ) with a normal testis biopsy, high levels of sperm-bound antibodies, or low semen volume and poor sperm motility.
- "We looked " for the abnormality " in these men because oligospermia " _ having too few sperm _ " is much more common " than making no sperm, he said.
- Ejaculatory duct obstruction may result in a complete lack of semen ( aspermia ) or a very low-volume semen ( oligospermia ) which may contain only the secretion of accessory prostate glands downstream to the orifice of the ejaculatory ducts.
- Another cause of aspermia is ejaculatory duct obstruction, which may result in a complete lack of or a very low-concentration semen ( oligospermia ), in which the semen contains only the secretion of accessory prostate glands downstream to the orifice of the ejaculatory ducts.
- A review in 2013 came to the result that oligospermia and azoospermia are significantly associated with being overweight ( odds ratio 1.1 ), obese ( odds ratio 1.3 ) and morbidly obese ( odds ratio 2.0 ), but the cause of this is unknown.
- This is mainly or completely a consequence of their antigonadotropic activity . high-dose androgens ( e . g ., testosterone esters ), and antagonists ( though notably not agonists ) produce hypogonadism and high rates of severe or complete infertility ( e . g ., severe oligospermia or complete azoospermia ) in men . this is not necessarily reversible in the case of estrogens and can be long-lasting after prolonged exposure.