onobrychis การใช้
- The species has been reared from larva living between leaflets of " Psoralea onobrychis ".
- The larvae possibly feed on " Helianthemum " species and Fabaceae species, including " Onobrychis ".
- Adults were collected in an alpine meadow on a steep southern slope, where " Lotus corniculatus ", " Anthyllis vulneraria " and " Onobrychis montana " are the most likely candidates to be its host.
- "Onobrychis " species are used as food plants by the caterpillars of some Lepidoptera species, such as the case-bearer moth " Coleophora colutella " ( recorded on " O . saxatilis " ) and the Damon Blue ( " Polyommatus damon " ) butterfly.
- Main host plants are various legumes ( Fabaceae ), especially common broom ( " Sarothamnus scoparius " ) and dyer s greenweed ( " Genista tinctoria " ), but also alfalfa ( " Medicago sativa " ), vetches ( Vicia species ), sweet-clover ( Melilotus species ), crownvetches ( Coronilla species ) sainfoins ( Onobrychis species ), lupin ( Lupinus species ) and others.
- Common sainfoin ( " Onobrychis viciifolia " ), fern-leaf dropwort ( " Filipendula vulgaris " ), autumn lady's-tresses ( " Spiranthes spiralis " ), chalk milkwort ( " Polygala calcarea " ) and fragrant orchid ( " Gymnadenia conopsea " ) are notable grassland species that only grow in areas where fertilisers and herbicides have not been used for a long time.