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opinioned การใช้

  • His conversation was frank, opinioned and nonstop.
  • They are also known to be highly opinioned, and usually not tolerant of new ideas or opinions of others.
  • Her's is a voice of calm discussion which has helped foster a collaborative approach amongst sometimes strongly opinioned editors.
  • You can't possibly expect a cool headed editor to stay cool aftr constant interuption by those passionate strong opinioned ones.
  • Apparently he is trying to say that because I was opinioned about another issue, I am hopelessly opinioned now & will always be.
  • Apparently he is trying to say that because I was opinioned about another issue, I am hopelessly opinioned now & will always be.
  • She said early on, she realized she was too opinioned to be a successful journalist and is most comfortable in the talk-show format.
  • Professor Welshman Ncube, Mazibisa s former lecturer at the University opinioned that the origins of the organised and state were premised on coming together for the common good.
  • I think this is just a case of a strong opinioned editor not knowing when to give it a rest ( ) . "'logs ) 13 : 11, 9 September 2012 ( UTC)
  • "( California ) Governor Reagan opinioned that the U . S . forces he observed in South Vietnam were not the decadent, low-morale, poorly disciplined group that the U . S . media depicted.
  • Chaim Weizmann s declaration in the beginning of September 1939 that the Jews of the world would fight on the side of England,  justified-so opinioned Nolte-Hitler to treat the Jews as prisoners of war and to intern them.
  • It is opinioned [ sic ] that upon the relinquishment of the " City's Interests only ", in these " patent roadway easements ", that these roadway and public utilities easements, now revert back to " private roadway easements ".
  • After the war he became Minister of Colonies ( 1918 1924 ), and on 27 September 1926, he succeeded Fernand Hautain as governor of the National Bank of Belgium and together with Paul van Zeeland, he led this institute for many years in a dynamic but autocratic and self-opinioned way.
  • In an interview with Matsuoka on the similarities between him and his character, the voice actor opinioned that " I'm thinking about our workplaces  in both of our workplaces, there's only one chance [ for success ], so there's a lot of people who are putting in their all.
  • In this report a missionary Frederick Wilkinson opinioned negatively about Vaikundar as, " While young Muthukutti was a cowherd and afterwards became a palmyra-climber from the circumstance of his having a long and entangled plait of hair on his head he imagined he was specially favoured by the deity and got many to believe that he was the incarnation of Vishnu.
  • Following an unsuccessful campaign, Ram髇 D韆z announced his resignation as coach of the Albirroja in a press conference at the Estadio Defensores del Chaco after returning to the country, the mentioned coach, however, had already received criticism from former Albirroja great Jos?Lu韘 Chilavert, stating that it is mannaged a lot more of'friendship'in the APF due to the corruption and opinioned that D韆z is more of an office person.
  • The above insinuates much but says nothing, but the facts are this : Our collective work, discussion and consensus of the past weeks, involving, amongst others, a longtime Wiki administrator, has been singlehandedly reverted by a single opinioned contributor who can offer no clear justification for having reverted-three times-and the third after I took the time to bat down the last round of vague allusions that, under no circumstances could ever merit a total, wholesale and widespread revert.
  • Shia, Ahmadiya, Western, etc . User IK opinioned that no reference on the article Aisha is acceptable except Sunni sources that to interpreted by Sunni scholars and used by Sunni users i . e . practically user IK wants to block away all users from article who contradict opinion of User IK based on their faith ( religion / creed ), geography, etc . User IK is sort of running Non-cooperation movement added with insults and accusations which target whole communities save individuals .-- s 17 : 48, 7 December 2010 ( UTC)
  • Amy Sciarretto of PopCrush cited " Gimme What I Don't Know ( I Want ) " as a " strangely compelling " pop song, and noted similarities between the song and the " sonic ethos " of Timberlake's second studio album, " FutureSex / LoveSounds " ( 2006 ) . 411mania's Jeremy Thomas described the song as a " clear club hit " that oozes sensuality, Bosman declared " Gimme What I Don't Know ( I Want ) " to be a " classic Timberlake " song, and opinioned that it is a " watered down " version of " Don't Hold the Wall, the third track on Timberlake's third studio album, " The 20 / 20 Experience " ( 2013 ).