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outbalance การใช้

"outbalance" แปล  
  • In such cases the ecological and cultural damage often outbalanced any economic advantage.
  • From mid-1944, the casualty ratio started to outbalance the victories of the Italian pilots.
  • Realpolitik has been outbalanced, in enough people's minds, by outrage at the continuing savagery of the Indonesian occupation.
  • No more than six radios were operative at any time, but this outbalanced the German efforts to track down the transmitters.
  • As the area of the piston on this side is larger, the pressure easily outbalances the smaller area of the annular piston below.
  • Trucks sales dropped 14 percent worldwide, to 16, 700, as weaker sales in North and South America outbalanced gains in European markets.
  • The high interest rate level makes Brazilian debt financing more expensive, making the country even more dependent on foreign investment flows to outbalance national accounts.
  • "We have come to the edge of that dangerous line beyond which fatigue and mistrust may outbalance people's fortitude and hope ."
  • "We have reached the edge of that dangerous line beyond which people's fatigue and mistrust may outbalance their fortitude and hope, " he acknowledged.
  • In " The Broken Giant, " opening Friday at Anthology Film Archives, moody visual talent outbalances literary skill; character is not so much revealed as arbitrarily obscured.
  • Don Pedro returns the land title he bought from Delilah's husband, whom he hated so much, proving his love for Delilah outbalances his hatred for Delilah's husband.
  • With yield exceeding 20 % per annum, the acquirer has to be very diligent in assessing whether the cost of taking out a PIK loan does not outbalance his internal rate of return of equity investment.
  • Because fruit juice is usually about 10 percent carbohydrates _ which is enough to compromise your absorption of water and possibly upset your stomach _ you'll need to water down the juice, with water outbalancing the juice.
  • And each new Wikipedia user, tomorrow and the day after, will bring new ( computing ) resources with him / her-- so any increase in demand for content will immediately be outbalanced by the supply of storage and hosting services that comes with it.
  • "We have long appealed to our countrymen to tighten their belts, but the limit of their patience is now exhausted . . . . We have reached the dangerous line beyond which people's fatigue and mistrust may outbalance their fortitude and hope ."
  • Richard H . Stern defended the opinion as " the expectable price of unanimity in a nine-member tribunal, " arguing that the " greater sensed legitimacy and precedential stability " of a unanimous opinion " outbalanced " the shortcomings of a lack of clear guidance as to details.
  • If there is a risk of HIV infection ( during vaccine trials ) _ which I don't think is significant _ it's overwhelmingly outbalanced by the fact that there isn't anyone who has worked with these babies who isn't going to do it ."
  • But he warned that if gay men responded to the availability of treatment by increasing unsafe sex and increasing multipartnerism-the phenomenon of so-called'risk compensation'- then  the decline in infectivity could easily be outbalanced by a rise in the unsafe contact rate leading to a continuing epidemic.
  • The New York Times . 4 ) My concern is that the self published references outbalance the notable references ( see " 5 . the article is not based primarily on such sources " at WP : SELFPUB ); and there are few English references, ( see WP : NONENG ).
  • The words of the psychologist Erik Erikson, used a quarter-century ago as an epigraph in " Beyond the Bedroom Wall, " suddenly are crystallized : " ` Reality,'of course, is man's most powerful illusion; but while he attends to this world, it must outbalance the total enigma of being in it at all ."