pericranium การใช้
- The superior sagittal sinus receives the superior cerebral veins, veins from the diplo?and dura mater, and, near the posterior extremity of the sagittal suture, veins from the pericranium, which pass through the parietal foramina.
- It is closely connected to the integument by the firm, dense, fibro-fatty layer which forms the superficial fascia of the scalp : it is attached to the pericranium by loose cellular tissue, which allows the aponeurosis, carrying with it the integument, to move through a considerable distance.
- They receive the blood from the superior petrosal sinuses at the base of the petrous portion of the temporal bone; they communicate with the veins of the pericranium by means of the mastoid and condyloid emissary veins; and they receive some of the inferior cerebral and inferior cerebellar veins, and some veins from the diplo?