pgx การใช้
- The PGx system is manufactured locally in Butterworth with itscomponents sourced from Original Equipment Manufactures, of which half areforeign.
- Southsonic is also working on finalising an agreement with the LionGroup whereby the PGx system would be marketed by all the Parkson storesin the country.
- In 2011, they introduced their first digital wireless system, the PGX digital series, augmenting the released previously entry-priced PGX series.
- In 2011, they introduced their first digital wireless system, the PGX digital series, augmenting the released previously entry-priced PGX series.
- Those interested in becoming agents for the PGx system or a dealer atthe Parkson outlets can contact Goh at 018-8586320 or 05-5481684.
- The PGx system is the brainchild of Philip Goh who is one of the twopartners of Southsonic Corporation, an associate company of second boardlisted Southern Plastics Holdings Bhd.
- This was aided in part by newly established comic book grading companies, such as Comic Guaranty LLC ( CGC ) and Professional Grading eXperts LLC ( PGX ).
- Soft-launched in December last year, more than 600 PGx systems havealready been sold in the past four months nationwide via 37 agents, ofwhich two are in Sarawak.
- The only locally reasearched and developed hi-fi of its kind inMalaysia, the PGx system offers a superior combination of a tuner, aCD / VCD player, and karaoke facilities.
- The FDA had released its latest guide " Clinical Pharmacogenomics ( PGx ) : Premarket Evaluation in Early-Phase Clinical Studies and Recommendations for Labeling " in January, 2013.
- The PGX digital wireless system transmits 24-bit / 48 kHz digital audio and utilizes the 900 MHz frequency band, and is able to operate with up to five systems simultaneously.
- On October 4, 2011 Sequenom introduced iPLEX ADME PGx Panel on MassARRAY System, developed to genotype polymorphisms in genes associated with drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and excretion ( ADME ).
- In 2013, Shure introduced the BLX wireless system to replace the Performance Gear and PGX wireless systems ) and the GLX-D wireless system, which operates in the 2.4 GHz frequency band.