polyphonically การใช้
- The ideology of the book is thus presented polyphonically.
- Yet the texture is light, with the voices singing polyphonically only some of the time.
- Each utterance is sung three times, though sometimes that is not the case when sung polyphonically.
- The musical items not set polyphonically by V醩quez would have been performed using their original plainchant, possibly with improvised polyphony.
- He sets the words of Christ and the narration of the Evangelist as chant, while setting the passages for groups polyphonically.
- Not only did he contribute to polyphonic playing, but he also discovered new idiomatic ways to compose polyphonically conceived violin music.
- Polyphonically, the truncated theme is stated in the " staccato " bass and the " sostenuto " treble.
- What I tried to do with this round of Bach suites was to be more courageous in identifying how Bach worked things out polyphonically.
- Groven often thinks rather polyphonically, and this can also be traced to the hardanger fiddle, as well as to his admiration for Bach.
- Unison Mode can also be played polyphonically, with the number of oscillators triggered by each key determined by the number of keys held down.
- Fingerstyle jazz guitar has several proponents : the pianistic Jeff Linsky ( b . 1952 ), freely improvises polyphonically while employing a classical guitar technique.
- The " Pasibutbut " is a song of Bunun Sowing Festival, sung polyphonically in four-part harmony ( Common 8 heterophonic voice, usually 5-12 heterophonic voices ).
- A highly rhythmic toccata follows, polyphonically adapting within its pentatonic confines a kudyapi ( boat lute ) piece from the province of Maguindanao in Mindanao ( the southern-most Philippine island group ).
- To put these ideas into practice, Sethares ( with collaborators and students ) developed a freely available software-based synthesizer, the TransFormSynth, which enables a performer to bend tunings polyphonically during performance.
- On it, Hirs has juxtaposed and superimposed the words polyphonically so that an orchestrated Cocktail Party Effect emerges : sentences mingling at different volumes, so that the main speaker is hard to distinguish from background sounds.
- Hers were the first Turkish Art Music compositions to be performed polyphonically, on December 16, 2003 by the Orfeon Chamber Chorus with soprano Leyla 莖lakolu, tenor Hakan Aysev and bass Deva 莖lakolu under the direction of conductor Bujor Hoinic.
- Over the beginning of the 18th century, the church services grew more Catholic, with the permanent institution of church choirs instead of laity to sing, and the institution of a musical Ordinary, set polyphonically in the Italian style and drawn from the modernized chant and folk songs, called Obychny.
- Costeley's chansons were by far the most famous part of his output, and they are in the Parisian chanson style of the time, with vivid word painting, along with a tendency to think harmonically rather than polyphonically as the age of purely polyphonic writing was coming to an end over most of Europe.
- Being sung by an individual ( ideally the deacon ), not by a choir, it cannot be part of a polyphonic musical setting of the Mass . Only the " Deo gratias " response could be set polyphonically and, because of its brevity, it rarely was, except in some early settings such as Machaut's Messe de Nostre Dame.
- Even the ordinary man in the street would say that the starving artist visiting the gallery has a " better " apprehension of the higher, more inner, more elusive aura of the art work than Mr . Creosote, which means that for some authors, including Adorno, there is a nexus between ethics ( which nearly tracks aesthetics polyphonically, where we use " good " and " bad " in ethics to characterise people and their deeds, and in aesthetics to judge what to buy ).