stalinisation การใช้
- It viewed'de-Stalinisation'as a defensive liberalisation by the bureaucracy.
- His policy of de-Stalinisation earned him many enemies within the party, especially from old Stalinist appointees.
- During Nikita Khrushchev's de-Stalinisation, Yakir's image was rehabilitated on January 31, 1957.
- However, after Stalin's death in 1953, Molotov was staunchly opposed to Khrushchev's de-Stalinisation policy.
- The foundations of the palace were converted into the Moskva Pool open-air swimming pool after the process of de-Stalinisation.
- He was posthumously rehabilitated on September 15, 1956, through a decision of the Soviet Supreme Court during the De-Stalinisation campaign.
- With the beginning of the Khrushchev era and de-Stalinisation, the Internal Troops became significantly reduced in size, but retained their pre-war functions.
- Only Albania, which had remained strongly Stalinist in ideology well after de-Stalinisation, was politically and commercially isolated from the other Eastern Bloc countries and the west.
- The slow pace of de-Stalinisation and the Soviet crack-down of the Hungarian Revolution did not produce results, aside from modest improvements in Poland and Yugoslavia after 1956.
- The slow pace of de-Stalinisation and the Soviet crack-down of the Hungarian Revolution did not produce major results, aside from modest improvements in Poland and Yugoslavia after 1956.
- After Stalin's death, Nikita Khruschev became leader of the Soviet Union and began a process of de-Stalinisation, citing Lenin's writings, including those on Stalin, to legitimise this process.
- In the Czechoslovakia of Novotn? people continued to face strict government regulations in the arts and media, although they had loosened dramatically since Stalin's death in 1953 and the subsequent De-Stalinisation programmes of 1956.
- From the beginning, Suslov was a vocal critic of one-man rule such as that seen under Joseph Stalin and Khrushchev . While he condemned Stalin's one-man rule, he equally criticised the individualistic assertiveness of Khrushchev's de-Stalinisation policy.
- He rose to be in charge of party education, to be a leading theorist and author, a powerful advocate for de-Stalinisation of the CPA and was one of three people who jointly replaced his older brother, Laurie Aarons, as CPA National Secretary in 1976.
- Such speculation, often alluding to suspicion of murder by State services, especially intensified during the periods of de-Stalinisation, Glasnost, and Perestroika, as Soviet politicians sought to weaken Stalin's reputation ( or Brik's, and by association, Stalin's ) and the positions of contemporary opponents.
- The search for agreements and above all an over-all agreement with imperialism on the part of the Soviet bureaucracy contradicts the search by the Chinese leaders for more aid and for better defenses against the heavy pressure of imperialism . " Pablo's tendency had drawn more optimistic conclusions about the impact of de-Stalinisation.