stylohyoideus การใช้
- In human neuroanatomy of the face, the "'stylohyoid branch of facial nerve "'frequently arises in conjunction with the digastric branch; it is long and slender, and enters the Stylohyoideus about its middle.
- The nerve then descends obliquely behind the Digastricus and Stylohyoideus to the upper part of the Sternocleidomastoideus; it pierces this muscle, and courses obliquely across the posterior triangle of the neck, to end in the deep surface of the Trapezius.
- It then curves downward and forward, forming a loop which is crossed by the hypoglossal nerve, and passing beneath the Digastricus and Stylohyoideus it runs horizontally forward, beneath the Hyoglossus, and finally, ascending almost perpendicularly to the tongue, turns forward on its lower surface as far as the tip, under the name of the deep lingual artery ( profunda linguae ).