subangular การใช้
- Ventral shoulder are subangular, umbilical shoulders broadly rounded.
- Ventral shoulders, narrowly rounded to subangular; umbilical shoulders, broadly rounded.
- The suture of " Tetragonoceras " has slight lateral and ventral lobes separated by subangular saddles.
- Two features that differentiate " Somalinautilus " are that the venter is arched and low, and its ventral shoulders are subangular.
- This diatreme contains a small plug-like body of nepheline syenite that is about in diameter and is choked with variety of angular to subangular xenoliths and autoliths.
- Many rounded to subangular felsic and mafic volcanic fragments are known to occur in the unit, as well as rare quartz vein fragments and one fragment of white chert.
- Otter Cove is south of this fault and here are fluvial sandstones with beds of coarser dark subangular grains ( i . e . beginning to resemble a fine-grained fluvial breccia ).
- The structure is described as angular blocky if the faces intersect at relatively sharp angles; as subangular blocky if the faces are a mixture of rounded and plane faces and the corners are mostly rounded.
- ""'Gyronaedyceras " "'has a compressed gyroconic shell of about two volutions with an assymmnetrical, subtraingular whorl section having a broadly rounded to subangular venter and flat dorsum.
- Bt1 8 to; red ( 10R 4 / 8 ) clay; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; firm; sticky, plastic; common clay films on faces of peds; few fine flakes of mica; strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary.
- The "'Grypoceratidae "', predominant stock, established by Hyatt in 1900, are characterized by generally smooth, compressed, evolute to involute shells with the venter flattened to subangular Ornamenation is not common, but some forms bear nodes or keels.
- "Oxygonioceras ", named by Foeste, 1925, has a loosely coiled, dextrally torticonic shell with a rounded dorsum on the inside of the spiral and an angular or subangular venter on the outside; suture with broad lateral lobes and ventral siphuncle with expanded, nummuloidal segments.
- BC 42 to; red ( 2.5YR 4 / 8 ) clay loam; few distinct yellowish red ( 5YR 5 / 8 ) mottles; weak medium subangular blocky structure; friable; few fine flakes of mica; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary . ( 0 to thick)
- Bt2 26 to; red ( 10R 4 / 8 ) clay; few fine prominent yellowish red ( 5YR 5 / 8 ) mottles; moderate medium subangular blocky structure; firm; sticky, plastic; common clay films on faces of peds; few fine flakes of mica; very strongly acid; gradual wavy boundary . ( Combined thickness of the Bt horizon is 24 to 50 inches)